Philadelphia Phillies Selects Mitel UC Solution

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Nov. 18, 2009) - The Philadelphia Phillies has extended its long-standing relationship with strategic business communications provider, Mitel(R), to deploy an innovative communications solution to its Spring Training facilities in Clearwater, Florida. The Phillies selected Mitel for its ease of scalability and flexibility in deploying applications suited to meet each individual user's communications needs.

The solution is networked with the Phillies existing Mitel system providing communications for the club's operations in Philadelphia by connecting more than 400 front office, customer service, and ticketing staff.

The result is one complete unified communications solution to connect the entire organization from its many minor league employees up to the Philadelphia Phillies by increasing communications and collaboration between staff and enhancing customer service while simplifying management.


  • The Phillies chose to displace its aging Nortel system with the superior Mitel Communications Director (MCD) software with the ability to enable key business process improvement via business applications such as Mitel Dynamic Extension, unified messaging, and contact center capabilities. This is combined with more than 115 HTML-capable Mitel 5300 series IP phones for staff.
  • Embedded in MCD, Dynamic Extension delivers single-number 'reachability', meaning a call to an employee's business number will simultaneously ring up to any eight devices, (whether a Mitel phone or not) in a personal ring group. Additionally, this provides seamless hand off between devices and access to in-call business communications features regardless of location or device.
  • With an extremely mobile workforce, especially during Spring Training season, Phillies staff previously had multiple phone numbers and voicemails. Now with Dynamic Extension and unified messaging, executives and staff can be reached through a single phone number and voicemail ensuring calls are received regardless of location resulting in faster decision making. Users have the flexibility of adding or changing numbers in their personal ring group on the fly for increased accessibility.
  • Mitel Contact Center Solutions have been deployed for ticketing and customer service. The solution intelligently handles and retains callers in queue by providing them with flexible alternatives to waiting in queue and directing them to the agent(s) best qualified to handle requests. Customized messages keep callers informed not only of wait times but of special team promotions, statistics, and upcoming games.


"Over the past quarter century we have worked together with CENet/EMInterlink to provide the Philadelphia Phillies organization with the latest innovative technologies to streamline their operations and enhance customer service so they can focus on continuing to grow their world-class baseball franchise. We look forward to continuing our relationship as we connect staff across the entire organization."

  • Rick Dell, President U.S. Sales, Mitel

"We have a long-standing relationship with Mitel so when we needed to upgrade our Spring Training facility Mitel was the clear choice. By networking all our locations it has made it easier for us to manage all our teams and staff, deploy applications so we can communicate with one another effortlessly, and most importantly increase our customer service and satisfaction."

  • Bill Touch, Telecom Manager, Philadelphia Phillies

"Together with Mitel, we have been able to provide the Phillies with the best-in-class communications solution that connects the entire club's operations. The Phillies organization will benefit from enhanced mobility, collaboration, and contact center capabilities that will reduce cost and simplify management."


时间: 2024-08-01 05:57:44

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  uc浏览器不显示图片怎么办? 方法 1关闭移动网络,过一会儿再打开网络. 有时,由于移动网络的不稳定,网速很慢,会导致uc浏览器在启动后,图片迟迟不能显出出来.这时,你可以选择关闭网络,过一会再开启uc浏览器. 当然,你也可以走动一下,去信号稍微好一点,网络稳定的地方再打开uc浏览器. 2uc浏览器设置错误. 有时,打开uc浏览器后,一切使用都很正常,就是看不到图片,这时你就要怀疑自己是不是开启了无图模式.如下图,你是可以在uc浏览器的设置中换成有图模式的.当然有时候,你需要反复切换才可以哦