SAP WM & HU (nested) Stock Upload

SAP WM & HU (nested) Stock Upload



I've recently faced the problem to upload the stock in WM
where HU management is active on the storage location.


As probably you already know in SAP there is also a
standard program to do this: RHUWM_INITIAL_LOAD  but in my opinion it requires a very well
structured input file, and it is not always so easy to get such a file from a
legacy system.


Moreover I had another complication, because our HUs were
nested, and using inbound delivery didn't seem to me so “easy-to-use”, so I
decided to upload the stock in another way that I'm going to explain, hoping
that it could be useful for others.


The process consists in "splitting the upload
process in 5 different easy steps:


1. Upload the stock in a storage location (e.g. XXXX,
managed only in MM without WM nor HU).

2. Create the lower level HUs.

3. Create the upper level HUs and assign at the same time
the lower level HUs to them.

4. Transfer the nested HU to the WM/HU managed storage
location (e.g YYYY).

5. Transfer the SU/HU in the final destination bin.


Here is a short explanation of the above mentioned steps:

1. I wouldn't go in depth into this point since it is not
the scope of this post

2. I've created an LSMW using

?Business Object (BUS3070)

?Method (CREATE)

?Message Type (HU_CREATE)

?Basic Type (HU_CREATE01)


In this LSMW you will have to indicate the data of the
lower level HU:


Header data: basically packaging material, External ID

Item data: basically material, quantity, unit of measure
plant, storage location, etc


3. I've created an LSMW using

?Business Object (BUS3070)

?Method (CREATE)

?Message Type (HU_CREATE)

?Basic Type (HU_CREATE01)



In this LSMW you will have to indicate the data of the
upper level HU:

Header data: basically packaging material, External ID

Item data: lower level HUs


Note: for this LSMW I’ve used a hierarchical source like:






Since more lower level HUs can be assigned to the same
upper level HU.


4. You use a standard functionality inside HUMO to move
the HUs towards another storage location or in alternative it is possible to
use a LSMW by recording a VLMOVE (mov. 311)


5. Simple LSMW with recording on LT09….to transfer the SU
(upper level Hus become SU in WM)


That's it.

Have a nice stock upload!




PS Please note that if you are working with single-level
HUs, you should ignore the step #3




时间: 2024-07-29 19:15:28

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