SAP MM ME31L to create intra-plant stock transfer scheduling agreement error msg – Not possible determine the shipping data for material - ME31L to create ZLU type SA, to support stock transfer from storage location to storage location within the sam
当进程间可以共享数据, 并且可以等待其他进程是否执行完毕时, 程序将变得更加强大. 显然共享数据和等待都是内部进程通信的范畴, 这里主要讲一下 data stream. 每个进程都有一个descriptor table, 这个表包含了file descriptor(a number) 和 data stream的映射关系. 如图 : A file descriptor is a number that represents a data stream. 默认会有3条映射关系, 0, 1 , 2
error|server When I started developing web pages that interact with a SQL Server database, I probably started like everbody else: with inline SQL statements. I then progressed to using the connection object to call stored procedures and eventually st
You know Alibaba Cloud can be used to deploy applications. You may be less familiar with its Big Data storage and management options. In fact, Alibaba offers a range of Big Data solutions. This article outlines them and explains which types of Big Da
原文 Harness the power of this useful SQL/XML function in DB2 Matthias Nicola (, DB2/XML Performance, IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory Vitor Rodrigues (vrodrig@u