common symbol-what's the detail meaning of 'Common symbol'?


what's the detail meaning of 'Common symbol'?

In nm (binutils cmd) manual:

"C"        The symbol is common.  Common symbols are uninitialized data.
           When linking, multiple common symbols may appear with the same
           name.  If the symbol is defined anywhere, the common symbols
           are treated as undefined references.

What's the meaning? Can somebody explains the sentence.



FYI,hope this can help you any more.


thanks for you inspiration,xufiia.

我已经明白了, 这句话的意思是:
当在链接阶段, 多个通用标示符可能会以同样的名字出现。 如果这个标示符没有定义, 它将被视作未定义的引用。

先前把 anywhere 翻译成肯定句了, 所以没明白。

时间: 2025-01-12 13:34:15

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