0install v1.0发布 跨发行版软件安装系统

Zero Install是一个去中心化的跨发行版软件安装系统,采用 LGPL授权。它让">软件开发者直接在自己的网站上发布程序,功能上类似于中心化的发行仓库,支持共享库,自动更新和数字签名。它的初衷是补充而不是替代操 作系统的包管理系统。0install定义了一个 XML元数据格式去描述程序包及其依赖关系,一个元数据文件可用于多个平台,如 Ubuntu, Debian、Fedora、FreeBSD、Mac OS X和Windows,它能推测出在这些平台运行的二进制文件或源文档。

The only changes since 1.0-rc1 are:

- Added "mode" to <environment>'s _toxml method (Bastian Eicher).

- Fix the uname machine, on darwin/macosx (Anders F Bjorklund).

About Zero Install:

Zero Install is a decentralised cross-distribution software installation system available under the LGPL. It allows software
developers to publish programs directly from their own web-sites, while supporting features familiar from centralised distribution repositories such as shared libraries, automatic updates and digital signatures. It is intended to complement, rather than replace, the operating system's package management. 0install packages never interfere with those provided by the distribution.

0install does not define a new packaging format; unmodified tarballs or zip archives can be used. Instead, it defines an XML metadata format to describe these packages and the dependencies between them. A single metadata file can be used on multiple platforms (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Windows), assuming binary or source archives are available that work on those systems.

0install also has some interesting features not often found in traditional package managers. For example, while it will share
libraries whenever possible, it can always install multiple versions of a package in parallel when there are conflicting requirements. Installation is always side-effect-free (each package is unpacked to its own directory and will not touch shared directories such as /usr/bin), making it ideal for use with sandboxing technologies and virtualisation.

The XML file describing the program's requirements can also be included in a source-code repository, allowing full dependency
handling for unreleased developer versions. For example, a user can clone a Git repository and build and test the program, automatically downloading newer versions of libraries where necessary, without interfering with the versions of those libraries installed by their distribution, which continue to be used for other software.

Started in 2003, 0install is developed by volunteers from around the world; contributors include Aleksey Lim, Anders F Björklund, Bastian Eicher, Frank Richter, Mark Seaborn, Michel Alexandre Salim, Rene Lopez, Thomas Leonard, Tim Cuthbertson and Tim Diels.

Hundreds of packages are currently available and a tutorial on the web-site shows how to publish your own programs.


Dr Thomas Leonard        http://0install.net/
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GPG: DA98 25AE CAD0 8975 7CDA  BD8E 0713 3F96 CA74 D8BA

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Zero-install-devel mailing list
Zero-install-devel <at> lists.sourceforge.net

时间: 2024-08-01 03:00:08

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