报错“Device is not STOR_DEV_REP_IS_SNAPABLE”的解决办法


报错信息 (hwprov.log):

DoSnapshotResourcesExist: Calling FindNextMirrorReplica...

FindNextMirrorReplica: Entering.

FindNextMirrorReplica: No local mirror replicas were found for />, so now looking for remote mirror replicas.

FindNextMirrorReplica: No remote mirror replicas were found for />.

FindNextMirrorReplica: Leaving with FAILURE.

DoSnapshotResourcesExist: ERROR = Device is not STOR_DEV_REP_IS_SNAPABLE.

DoSnapshotResourcesExist: Leaving with SUCCESS.

BeginPrepareSnapshot: Resources do not exist to support device = PHYSICALDRIVE7.


报错信息 (DPM error):

Triggering synchronization on Backup Using Child Partition Snapshotspmitellbg failed:

Error 30290: Failure occurred while adding one or more of the volumes involved in backup operation to snapshot set. Please check the event log on SCVMM spmitellbg Resources.SPHV.IMCB to troubleshoot the issue.

Error details: Internal error code: 0x80990A00

Recommended action: Check recent records from the VolSnap source in the Application Event Log to find out why the problem occurred.

报错信息 (SPA_navi_getlog.txt):

“(4600)'' called by 'sysadmin' (192.168.xxx.x) on 'Navi_SnapCopyFeature' with result: Failure (Could not start SnapView session. Session name - VSS_SPHV1_00033_224612_09152011. [0x71008031] You must add LUNs with adequate capacity to the Reserved LUN Pool before”


使用Snapview -listsnapableluns命令查看 发现LUN在两个SP上均是snapable状态


扩充Reserved LUN Pool

RLP LUN的大小最小不能小于源的0.2%,扩充RLP LUN的大小到源LUN的0.2%以上,即可解决以上问题

时间: 2025-01-26 07:09:39

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