Opensource ERP - LedgerSMB use PostgreSQL


LedgerSMB is an open source ERP(link is external) program which offers businesses the ability to manage their operations, track invoices and their payments, inventory, and more in an integrated way - from a single application. Benefits of using LedgerSMB include:

  • Short ramp-up times due to a simple, powerful user interface
  • Easy integration with other business applications via open architecture
  • Customizability supporting your competitive advantage:
    Build the software around your business, not the other way around
  • Open community of consultants and service providers

Core functionality

The core functionality is provided by a series of built-in modules, listed below. Additional functionality or changes in application behaviour can be achieved by installing add-ons. See the next section for more on add-ons.

  • General Ledger and Journal Entry
    Manage your accounts, transfer money between them, and get a picture of the general financial health of your business. ( double entry accounting )
  • Sales
    Track customers, quotations, sales orders, and invoices.
  • Purchasing
    Track vendors, purchase orders, and invoices.
  • Contact Management
    Track customer/vendor orders and relationships to your business.
  • Cash Management
    Handle cash in and cash out. Write checks, track receipts, and reconcile with bank statements.
  • Fixed Assets
    Track and manage fixed assets, their depreciation and disposal
  • Inventory Management and Light Manufacturing
    Track goods and services, and assemblies of these
  • Point of Sale
  • Reporting


Some functionality isn't suitable for inclusion in the standard application. For example because it's not mature enough or because its setup is too specialized. Users can then individually decide whether they need the functionality and install it when required. Below you find a shortlist of add-ons available for LedgerSMB 1.3(link is external).

  • Import Transactions
    Import transactions from external CSV files. Currently single GL and batches of AP files are supported but could be extended to support other financial transactions easily.
  • Template Transactions
    Create template transactions (AR, AP, and GL) that can be used as the basis for actual financial transactions on a flexible schedule.
  • Budgetting
    Track budgets by project and/or department, and run variance reports




时间: 2024-07-29 16:20:38

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