WM Defining Storage Unit Types定义存储单位类型(九)

Defining Storage Unit Types定义存储单位类型

With the indicator for the storage unit type, it is possible to distinguish pallets or other containers on 

which a material is stored or transported.


The classification of your storage units allows you to use the stock placement strategies in an optimal way.


The storage unit type is taken into account during stock placements if you have activated the "storage bin 

type search".


Default settings

In the SAP standard system, examples are preset for warehouse numbers 001 and 002.


1. Decide whether you want to use the storage bin type search.

2. Classify your storage units (for example, Europallets, wire boxes) according to certain criteria (for 

example, certain packing height for Europallets).

3. Create your storage unit types with the respective descriptions/names.

时间: 2024-07-29 19:15:07

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