[20171105]exp imp buffer参数解析.txt

[20171105]exp imp buffer参数解析.txt



Default: operating system-dependent. See your Oracle operating system-specific documentation to determine the default
value for this parameter.

Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer used to fetch rows. As a result, this parameter determines the maximum
number of rows in an array fetched by Export. Use the following formula to calculate the buffer size:

buffer_size = rows_in_array * maximum_row_size

If you specify zero, then the Export utility fetches only one row at a time.

Tables with columns of type LOBs, LONG, BFILE, REF, ROWID, LOGICAL ROWID, or DATE are fetched one row at a time.


The BUFFER parameter applies only to conventional path Export. It has no effect on a direct path Export. For direct path
Exports, use the RECORDLENGTH parameter to specify the size of the buffer that Export uses for writing to the export

Example: Calculating Buffer Size

This section shows an example of how to calculate buffer size.

The following table is created:

CREATE TABLE sample (name varchar(30), weight number);

The maximum size of the name column is 30, plus 2 bytes for the indicator. The maximum size of the weight column is 22
(the size of the internal representation for Oracle numbers), plus 2 bytes for the indicator.

Therefore, the maximum row size is 56 (30+2+22+2).

To perform array operations for 100 rows, a buffer size of 5600 should be specified.


Tables with columns of type LOBs, LONG, BFILE, REF, ROWID, LOGICAL ROWID, or DATE are fetched one row at a time.

CREATE TABLE sample (name varchar(30), weight number);
The maximum size of the name column is 30, plus 2 bytes for the indicator. The maximum size of the weight column is 22
(the size of the internal representation for Oracle numbers), plus 2 bytes for the indicator.

Therefore, the maximum row size is 56 (30+2+22+2).

To perform array operations for 100 rows, a buffer size of 5600 should be specified.


create table t(x number, x2 varchar2(2000),x3 varchar2(1000))  SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE;
insert into t select level, rpad(' ', 100, ' '),rpad('a',100,'a') from dual connect by level <= 1e6;
commit ;
exec sys.dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ( OwnName => 'SCOTT',TabName => 't',Estimate_Percent => NULL,Method_Opt => 'FOR
ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1 ',Cascade => True ,No_Invalidate => false);

$ exp scott/book tables=T file=t.dmp direct=y buffer=1280000

alter table t rename to t1;
//drop table t purge ;
alter system flush shared_pool;

$ imp scott/book tables=T file=t.dmp  buffer=1048576

SCOTT@book> select sql_id,sql_text,executions from v$sql where sql_id='62m8tgc8mhwr2';
SQL_ID        SQL_TEXT                                                       EXECUTIONS
------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
62m8tgc8mhwr2 INSERT /*+NESTED_TABLE_SET_REFS+*/ INTO "T" ("X", "X2", "X3"         2891
              ) VALUES (:1, :2, :3)

1024*1024/(3022+6) = 346.29326287978863936591
1000000/346.29326287978863936591 = 2887.72583007812500000006


//drop table t purge;
//drop table t1 purge;
create table t(x number, x2 varchar2(2000),x3 varchar2(2000))  SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE;
insert into t select level, rpad(' ', 100, ' '),rpad('a',100,'a') from dual connect by level <= 1e6;
commit ;
exec sys.dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ( OwnName => 'SCOTT',TabName => 't',Estimate_Percent => NULL,Method_Opt => 'FOR
ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1 ',Cascade => True ,No_Invalidate => false);

$ exp scott/book tables=T file=t.dmp direct=y buffer=1280000

alter table t rename to t1;
//drop table t purge ;
alter system flush shared_pool;

$ imp scott/book tables=T file=t.dmp  buffer=1048576

SCOTT@book> select sql_id,sql_text,executions from v$sql where sql_id='62m8tgc8mhwr2';
SQL_ID        SQL_TEXT                                                       EXECUTIONS
------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
62m8tgc8mhwr2 INSERT /*+NESTED_TABLE_SET_REFS+*/ INTO "T" ("X", "X2", "X3"         3847
              ) VALUES (:1, :2, :3)

1024*1024/(4022+6) = 260.32174776564051638530
1000000/260.32174776564051638530 = 3841.40014648437500000004




The BUFFER parameter applies only to conventional path Export. It has no effect on a direct path Export. For direct path
Exports, use the RECORDLENGTH parameter to specify the size of the buffer that Export uses for writing to the export


时间: 2024-12-13 13:06:54

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EXP/IMP 学习(三)

1.3  优化1.  加快exp速度加大 large_pool_size,可以提高 exp的速度 采用直接路径的方式(direct=y),数据不需要经过内存进行整合和检查. 设置较大的 buffer,如果导出大对象,小 buffer会失败.export文件不在 ORACLE使用的驱动器上 不要 export到 NFS文件系统UNIX环境:用管道模式直接导入导出来提高 imp/exp的性能 2.  加快imp速度建立一个 indexfile,在数据 import完成后在建立索引将 import 文