Battle for Wesnoth 韦诺之战 Wesnoth是一款开源的、很受欢迎的战棋游戏,其有着平衡的战斗设计、简单的玩法和强大的联网对战功能,被评为最好的开源游戏之一。
Battle for Wesnoth Version 1.9.7更新日志:
* Graphics:
* Terrains:
* Modified Deep Water tiles for greater contrast with Shallow
* New Dead Great Tree
* Portraits:
* Drake Warden
* Language and i18n:
* Updated translations: Afrikaans, British English, Chinese (Traditional),
Galician, German, Greek, Indonesian, Irish, Japanese, Korean, Latin,
Lithuanian, Old English, Portuguese (Brazil), Serbian, Spanish, Swedish,
* Lua API:
* proxy getters and setters for unit attributes extra_recruit
and advances_to
* new function wesnoth.add_known_unit
* new proxy getters for sides: fog, shroud, hidden, name, color
* new function wesnoth.get_time_of_day
* new functions os.clock,, os.time and os.difftime
* Multiplayer:
* New "Shuffle sides" option in MP creation list, allowing to randomize
player to side assignment (patch #1937 by Quetzalcoatl)
* User interface:
* Fix starting location labels being initially invisible in the map editor
(bug #17956).
* Fixed bug #18000, #18099: Show a wrongly entered MP password and crash
upon editing this text.
* WML engine:
* new attribute team_name= in SSFs
* added [event][filter_side]<SSF keys> support
* added support for inline SSF to [chat]
* added support for inline SSF to [store_gold]
* added support for inline SSF to [store_side], added attribute
"side" in the created array
* introduced [has_unit]search_recall_list=yes|no (def no) parameter in SSFs
* support for leader specific recruit lists
* [unit] extra_recruit= -- defines a unit with a specific recruit list
* [event] [allow_extra_recruit] [filter] [/filter] type=
-- adds unit types to a leader's recruit list
* [event] [disallow_extra_recruit] [filter] [/filter] type=
-- removes unit types from a leader's recruit list
* [event] [set_extra_recruit] [filter] [/filter] extra_recruit=
-- assigns a new recruit list to the leader
* support for leader specific recall filters
* [unit] [filter_recall] <SUF>
-- The unit can only recall units which pass the SUF
* Removed the Liminal alignment
* Fixed: a divide by zero in the calculate_map_ownership_function function
* Possibly fixed: rounding errors when using ^ in formulas
* Animation will now cycle according to a WML parameter, use with caution
* Toplevel [tunnel] tags are now ignored rather than cause assertion
failures (bug #18201).
* Miscellaneous and bugfixes:
* Fixed: issues with singular variant iterators
* Fixed: the Wescamp script download part
* Fixed the ingame command line not accepting
characters accessible via AltGr (certain keyboard layouts)
on windows systems
* Started using Boost.Program_options for command line parsing (new
* Commandline syntax changes:
* --ai_config renamed to --ai-config
* --new_storyscreens renamed to --new-storyscreens
* --no-delay renamed to --nodelay
* --campaign option split into --campaign, --campaign-difficulty and
* split optional comma-separated defines list from --preprocess= (or -p=)
to --preprocess-defines= option
* dropped --log alias for --log-error
* Fixed: Compilation on kfreebsd (Debian bug #626313)
* Fixed: CMake Subversion revision script causing build errors with MSVC.
Source (322.3MB) Linux Windows (296.8MB) MacOSX (319.0MB)