- 求大神看看这两个代码差别在哪里,运行结果不同啊 poj1014
错误代码及运行结果#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int t=0,i,v; int n[7]; int dp[60001]; bool flag =false; int imax(int a,int b) { return (a>b?a:b); } void comepletepack(int cost,int weight) { for(i=cost;i<=v;++i) { dp[i]=imax(dp[i],dp[i-cost]+weight); if(dp[i]==v) { flag =true; return; } } } void onezeropack(int cost,int weight) { for(i=v;i>=cost;--i) { dp[i]=imax(dp[i],dp[i-cost]+weight); if(dp[i]==v) { flag =true; return; } } return; } void mutipack(int cost,int weight,int amount) { if(cost*amount>=v) { comepletepack(cost,weight); return; } if(flag) return; int k=1; while(k<amount) { onezeropack(k*cost,k*weight); if(flag) return; amount-=k; k*=2; } onezeropack(amount*cost,amount*weight); } int main() { int sum; while(scanf("%d %d %d %d %d %d",&n[1],&n[2],&n[3],&n[4],&n[5],&n[6])) { ++t; sum =n[1]+2*n[2]+3*n[3]+4*n[4]+5*n[5]+6*n[6]; if(sum==0) break; if(sum%2!=0) { cout<<"Collection #"<<t<<':'<<endl; cout<<"Can't be divided."<<endl; cout<<endl; continue; } v=sum/2; memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); dp[0]=0; flag =false; for(i=1;i<=6;++i) { mutipack(i,i,n[i]); if(flag) break; } if(!flag) { cout<<"Collection #"<<t<<':'<<endl; cout<<"Can't be divided."<<endl; cout<<endl; } else { cout<<"Collection #"<<t<<':'<<endl; cout<<"Can be divided."<<endl; cout<<endl; } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int n[7]; //价值为i的物品的个数 int v; //背包容量 int SumValue; //物品总价值 bool flag; //标记是否能平分SumValue int dp[100000]; //状态数组 int max(int a,int b) { return a>b?a:b; } /*完全背包*/ void CompletePack(int cost,int weight) { for(int i=cost;i<=v;i++) { dp[i]=max(dp[i],dp[i-cost]+weight); if(dp[i]==v) //剪枝,当能够平分SumValue时退出 { flag=true; return; } } return; } /*01背包*/ void ZeroOnePack(int cost,int weight) { for(int i=v;i>=cost;i--) { dp[i]=max(dp[i],dp[i-cost]+weight); if(dp[i]==v) //剪枝 { flag=true; return; } } return; } /*多重背包*/ void MultiplePack(int cost,int weight,int amount) { if(cost*amount>=v) { CompletePack(cost,weight); return; } if(flag) //剪枝 return; /*二进制优化*/ int k=1; while(k<amount) { ZeroOnePack(k*cost,k*weight); if(flag) //剪枝 return; amount-=k; k*=2; } ZeroOnePack(amount*cost,amount*weight); return; } int main(int i) { int test=1; while(cin>>n[1]>>n[2]>>n[3]>>n[4]>>n[5]>>n[6]) { SumValue=0; //物品总价值 for(i=1;i<=6;i++) SumValue+=i*n[i]; if(SumValue==0) break; if(SumValue%2) //sum为奇数,无法平分 { cout<<"Collection #"<<test++<<':'<<endl; cout<<"Can't be divided."<<endl<<endl; //注意有空行 continue; } v=SumValue/2; memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); dp[0]=0; flag=false; for(i=1;i<=6;i++) { MultiplePack(i,i,n[i]); if(flag) //剪枝 break; } if(flag) { cout<<"Collection #"<<test++<<':'<<endl; cout<<"Can be divided."<<endl<<endl; continue; } else { cout<<"Collection #"<<test++<<':'<<endl; cout<<"Can't be divided."<<endl<<endl; continue; } } return 0; }
时间: 2024-12-09 07:09:24