- WEBLOGIC10.3.3文件夹发布,ManagerServer下启动失败
项目采用一个文件夹的方式发布,内部结果和一个WAR包类似,操作系统为WIN2008 R2,weblogic版本为10.3.3,在AdminServer下部署成功,并启动成功,但部署在managerserver下,能部署但启动失败,提示如下weblogic.management.DeploymentException: [J2EE:160177]The application at "D:OracleMiddlewareuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainserversnew_ManagedServer_1stageTESTTEST" was not recognized as a valid application type. If this is an EAR file, please ensure the META-INF/application.xml exists. EJB-JARs should have a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml or corresponding annotations exist.
补充错误信息: If this is an exploded WAR, the name of directory must be end with ".war". RARs require a META-INF/ra.xml. A JMS deployment should be an XML file whose name ends with "-jms.xml". A JDBC deployment should be an XML file whose name ends with "-jdbc.xml". For other application types, please consult the WebLogic Server documentation
时间: 2024-12-09 23:04:45