oraToolKit Oracle安装辅助工具的使用方法


  • 目录
  • otk使用方式
  • 使用oraToolKit进行检测安装包情况
  • 使用oraToolKit进行检测操作系统情况
  • 最后


oraToolkit的安装在RHEL6.1 安装 Oracle10gr2 (图文、解析)一文中已经介绍过了,是非常简单的rpm包安装。
otk installManager的帮助手册

Usage (revision 1.23):

  installManager <action> <configFile> [ <execMode> ]


  <action>      is the target action of the dataPumpManager

                The following actions are supported:

                  swReqCheck, osSetup, swInst, cssdConfig, asmSetup,
                  envSetup, dbSetup and setOsKernelParams

  <configFile>  is a configuration file from /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager directory.

  <execMode>    is the execution mode of installManager, either NORMAL (default) or FORCE

Available config files
20110801_230429: Warning: KLK-00022: Parameter prerequisite not fulfilled




[root@jmilk tools]# /opt/oracle/otk/current/bin/installManager swReqCheck osSetup10gR2.cfg
20160525_111914: Info: Action swReqCheck of installManager started
20160525_111914: Info: Listing environment information
20160525_111914: Info: ---------------------------------------------
20160525_111914: Info: Object/Name               | Value/Version
20160525_111914: Info: ---------------------------------------------
20160525_111914: Info: hostname                  | jmilk.fan.com
20160525_111914: Info: OS                        | RHEL
20160525_111914: Info: OS Version                | 4
20160525_111914: Info: OS Release                |
20160525_111914: Info: HW Architecture           | x86_64
20160525_111914: Info: user                      | root
20160525_111914: Info: user shell                | /bin/bash
20160525_111914: Info: OTK                       | OTK_1_0_2_1_5
20160525_111914: Info: installManager            | 1.23
20160525_111914: Info: Process ID                | 99022
20160525_111914: Info: libmiscellaneous.ksh      | 1.24
20160525_111914: Info: libstring.ksh             | 1.10
20160525_111914: Info: libfile.ksh               | 1.2
20160525_111914: Info: libotk.ksh                | 1.14
20160525_111914: Info: liberror.ksh              | 1.24
20160525_111914: Info: libosadmin.ksh            | 1.19
20160525_111914: Info: libinstallManager.ksh     | 1.45
20160525_111914: Info: libnetwork.ksh            | 1.8
20160525_111914: Info: libappctl.ksh             | 1.21
20160525_111914: Info: libdynsql.ksh             | 1.2
20160525_111914: Info: Executing libmiscellaneous.checkExecMode function
20160525_111914: Info: Executing installManager in NORMAL mode
20160525_111914: Info: Executing libfile.sourceConf function
20160525_111914: Info: Sourcing /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/osSetup10gR2.cfg
20160525_111914: Info: Executing libinstallManager.setScriptVars function
20160525_111914: Info: export SYSDATE="20160525"
20160525_111914: Info: export EXEC_ACTION="swreqcheck"
20160525_111914: Info: export LOG_FILE="/var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installManager/swreqcheck-20160525_111914.log"
20160525_111914: Info: export PLATFORM="Linux"
20160525_111914: Info: export OS_DISTRIBUTION="RHEL"
20160525_111914: Info: export OS_VERSION="4"
20160525_111914: Info: export OS_RELEASE=""
20160525_111914: Info: export RAM_MB="7859"
20160525_111914: Info: export HW_ARCH="x86_64"
20160525_111914: Info: Executing libinstallManager.doSwRequirementCheck function
20160525_111914: Info: Checking requirement file
20160525_111914: Info: export SW_REQUIREMENT_FILE="/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/requirement/ora10gR2-redhat-4-x86_64.pkg.lst"
20160525_111914: Info: Using default package requirement file /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/requirement/ora10gR2-redhat-4-x86_64.pkg.lst
20160525_111914: Info: Checking if file /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/requirement/ora10gR2-redhat-4-x86_64.pkg.lst exists
20160525_111914: Info: Checking 64-bit OS packages
20160525_111914: Info: export ARCH_PATTERN="[xX]86[-_]64"
20160525_111914: Info: export SW_REQUIREMENT_EGREP_PATTERN="req|opt"
20160525_111914: Info: Higher version ( as required ( of 64-bit binutils installed
20160525_111914: Warning: Required package compat-db not found, installation of 64-bit version 4.1.25-9 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111914: Warning: Required package compat-libstdc++-33 not found, installation of 64-bit version 3.2.3-47.3 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111914: Info: Higher version (2.28.1-25) as required (2.8.0-12) of 64-bit control-center installed
20160525_111914: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc installed
20160525_111914: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc-common installed
20160525_111914: Warning: Required package gnome-libs not found, installation of 64-bit version or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111914: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit libstdc++ installed
20160525_111914: Info: Higher version (3.81-19) as required (3.80-5) of 64-bit make installed
20160525_111914: Warning: Required package pdksh not found, installation of 64-bit version 5.2.14-30 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (2.2.14-11) as required (2.2.9-1) of 64-bit unixODBC installed
20160525_111915: Warning: Required package xscreensaver not found, installation of 64-bit version 4.18-5 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111915: Warning: Required package glibc-kernheaders not found, installation of 64-bit version 2.4-9.1.87 or later recommended. Package should be on CD/DVD
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc-headers installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc-devel installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit libstdc++-devel installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit gcc installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit gcc-c++ installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (0.3.107-10) as required (0.3.103-3) of 64-bit libaio installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (9.0.4-18) as required (5.0.5-1) of 64-bit sysstat installed
20160525_111915: Warning: Optional package libtermcap-devel not found, installation of 64-bit version 2.0.8-39 or later recommended. Required by readline-devel, package should be on CD/DVD
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (6.0-3) as required (4.3-13) of 64-bit readline-devel installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (2.2.14-11) as required (2.2.9-1) of 64-bit unixODBC-devel installed
20160525_111915: Info: Checking 32-bit OS packages
20160525_111915: Info: export ARCH_PATTERN="i[356]86"
20160525_111915: Info: export SW_REQUIREMENT_EGREP_PATTERN="req|opt"
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (0.3.107-10) as required (0.3.103-3) of 32-bit libaio installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (2.2.14-11) as required (2.2.9-1) of 32-bit unixODBC installed
20160525_111915: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 32-bit glibc-devel installed
20160525_111915: Info: Executing libmiscellaneous.getFooter function
20160525_111915: Info: Terminating installManager execution
20160525_111915: Info: Summary log file:  /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installManager/../installManager.log
20160525_111915: Info: Detailed log file: /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installManager/swreqcheck-20160525_111914.log
20160525_111915: Info: Action swReqCheck of installManager ended with 7 WARNINGS
[root@jmilk tools]#
[root@jmilk tools]# /opt/oracle/otk/current/bin/installManager swReqCheck osSetup10gR2.cfg
20160525_111921: Info: Action swReqCheck of installManager started
20160525_111922: Info: Listing environment information
20160525_111922: Info: ---------------------------------------------
20160525_111922: Info: Object/Name               | Value/Version
20160525_111922: Info: ---------------------------------------------
20160525_111922: Info: hostname                  | jmilk.fan.com
20160525_111922: Info: OS                        | RHEL
20160525_111922: Info: OS Version                | 4
20160525_111922: Info: OS Release                |
20160525_111922: Info: HW Architecture           | x86_64
20160525_111922: Info: user                      | root
20160525_111922: Info: user shell                | /bin/bash
20160525_111922: Info: OTK                       | OTK_1_0_2_1_5
20160525_111922: Info: installManager            | 1.23
20160525_111922: Info: Process ID                | 100190
20160525_111922: Info: libmiscellaneous.ksh      | 1.24
20160525_111922: Info: libstring.ksh             | 1.10
20160525_111922: Info: libfile.ksh               | 1.2
20160525_111922: Info: libotk.ksh                | 1.14
20160525_111922: Info: liberror.ksh              | 1.24
20160525_111922: Info: libosadmin.ksh            | 1.19
20160525_111922: Info: libinstallManager.ksh     | 1.45
20160525_111922: Info: libnetwork.ksh            | 1.8
20160525_111922: Info: libappctl.ksh             | 1.21
20160525_111922: Info: libdynsql.ksh             | 1.2
20160525_111922: Info: Executing libmiscellaneous.checkExecMode function
20160525_111922: Info: Executing installManager in NORMAL mode
20160525_111922: Info: Executing libfile.sourceConf function
20160525_111922: Info: Sourcing /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/osSetup10gR2.cfg
20160525_111922: Info: Executing libinstallManager.setScriptVars function
20160525_111922: Info: export SYSDATE="20160525"
20160525_111922: Info: export EXEC_ACTION="swreqcheck"
20160525_111922: Info: export LOG_FILE="/var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installManager/swreqcheck-20160525_111922.log"
20160525_111922: Info: export PLATFORM="Linux"
20160525_111922: Info: export OS_DISTRIBUTION="RHEL"
20160525_111922: Info: export OS_VERSION="4"
20160525_111922: Info: export OS_RELEASE=""
20160525_111922: Info: export RAM_MB="7859"
20160525_111922: Info: export HW_ARCH="x86_64"
20160525_111922: Info: Executing libinstallManager.doSwRequirementCheck function
20160525_111922: Info: Checking requirement file
20160525_111922: Info: export SW_REQUIREMENT_FILE="/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/requirement/ora10gR2-redhat-4-x86_64.pkg.lst"
20160525_111922: Info: Using default package requirement file /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/requirement/ora10gR2-redhat-4-x86_64.pkg.lst
20160525_111922: Info: Checking if file /opt/oracle/otk/1.0/conf/installManager/requirement/ora10gR2-redhat-4-x86_64.pkg.lst exists
20160525_111922: Info: Checking 64-bit OS packages
20160525_111922: Info: export ARCH_PATTERN="[xX]86[-_]64"
20160525_111922: Info: export SW_REQUIREMENT_EGREP_PATTERN="req|opt"
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version ( as required ( of 64-bit binutils installed
20160525_111922: Warning: Required package compat-db not found, installation of 64-bit version 4.1.25-9 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111922: Warning: Required package compat-libstdc++-33 not found, installation of 64-bit version 3.2.3-47.3 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (2.28.1-25) as required (2.8.0-12) of 64-bit control-center installed
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc installed
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc-common installed
20160525_111922: Warning: Required package gnome-libs not found, installation of 64-bit version or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit libstdc++ installed
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (3.81-19) as required (3.80-5) of 64-bit make installed
20160525_111922: Warning: Required package pdksh not found, installation of 64-bit version 5.2.14-30 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (2.2.14-11) as required (2.2.9-1) of 64-bit unixODBC installed
20160525_111922: Warning: Required package xscreensaver not found, installation of 64-bit version 4.18-5 or later recommended. Package is usually installed with default installation
20160525_111922: Warning: Required package glibc-kernheaders not found, installation of 64-bit version 2.4-9.1.87 or later recommended. Package should be on CD/DVD
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc-headers installed
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 64-bit glibc-devel installed
20160525_111922: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit libstdc++-devel installed
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit gcc installed
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (4.4.5-6) as required (3.4.3-22.1) of 64-bit gcc-c++ installed
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (0.3.107-10) as required (0.3.103-3) of 64-bit libaio installed
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (9.0.4-18) as required (5.0.5-1) of 64-bit sysstat installed
20160525_111923: Warning: Optional package libtermcap-devel not found, installation of 64-bit version 2.0.8-39 or later recommended. Required by readline-devel, package should be on CD/DVD
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (6.0-3) as required (4.3-13) of 64-bit readline-devel installed
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (2.2.14-11) as required (2.2.9-1) of 64-bit unixODBC-devel installed
20160525_111923: Info: Checking 32-bit OS packages
20160525_111923: Info: export ARCH_PATTERN="i[356]86"
20160525_111923: Info: export SW_REQUIREMENT_EGREP_PATTERN="req|opt"
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (0.3.107-10) as required (0.3.103-3) of 32-bit libaio installed
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (2.2.14-11) as required (2.2.9-1) of 32-bit unixODBC installed
20160525_111923: Info: Higher version (2.12-1.25) as required (2.3.4-2.9) of 32-bit glibc-devel installed
20160525_111923: Info: Executing libmiscellaneous.getFooter function
20160525_111923: Info: Terminating installManager execution
20160525_111923: Info: Summary log file:  /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installManager/../installManager.log
20160525_111923: Info: Detailed log file: /var/opt/oracle/otk/1.0/log-old/installManager/swreqcheck-20160525_111922.log
20160525_111923: Info: Action swReqCheck of installManager ended with 7 WARNINGS




/opt/oracle/otk/current/bin/installManager osSetup osSetup10gR2.cfg | tail -2 | head -1
/opt/oracle/otk/current/bin/installManager swReqCheck osSetup10gR2.cfg | tail -2 | head -1


出此之外oraToolkit还提供了许多有助于Oracle安装、使用的小工具。感兴趣的话可以到其官网去浏览,戳这里 :)

时间: 2024-08-02 14:57:57

oraToolKit Oracle安装辅助工具的使用方法的相关文章

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  qq图标点亮辅助工具 目前支持37个图标点亮,未来还将升级更多;使用它,让您点灯更简便,更快捷.普通版永久免费,每个月更新2-4次,未来还将增加一键点亮等功能.具体使用方法:下载安装qq图标点亮辅助工具之后,打开并登录软件,关联你的qq号,最后选择你想要点亮的图标即可.         注:更多精彩教程请关注三联电脑教程栏目

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1:MSSQL SQL语法篇: BULK INSERT      [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . | schema_name . ] [ table_name | view_name ]         FROM 'data_file'        [ WITH       (      [ [ , ] BATCHSIZE = batch_size ]      [ [ , ] CHECK_CONSTRAINTS ]      [ [ , ] CODEP

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