参考链接:https://community.oracle.com/thread/2205317?start=0&tstart=0 I'm cloning my production server (R12: 12.0.4, my os is RHEL 5.3 x86) by using doc ID 406982.1, when applying latest autoconfig patch 9386653 and latest latest Rapid clone patches 9171651:R12.OAM.A and 9833058:R12.OAM.A when creating appsutil.zip file through admkappsutil.pl and uncompressing it, it misses some folders. (i only get bin html java media perl sql and template))after following forum notes doc ID 377495.1(doc ID 820077.1 is not available) utility: perl adbldxml appsuser=<APPSuser> appspasswd=<APPSpwd> failed due to lack of jre and install folders.I copied jre folder from my backed up former appsutil and utility completed successful with context file and log folderin appsutil folder.after running adconfig.sh utility folders out, install and scripts added.my problem is; how can i get other folders i.e clone, driver, outbound and tempnote: clone is needed in running post clone. i.e adcfgclone.plThanks
How To Recreate the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME> directory (Doc ID 377495.1) |
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Modified:22-Jan-2013Type:HOWTO |
In this Document
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Oracle Applications Manager - Version 11.5.7 to [Release 11.5 to 11.5.10]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 22-JAN-2013
The $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil directory or subdirectories of appsutil are missing.
How to recreate this directory with its subdirectories and contents?
How can I run AutoConfig on Database Tier without this directory, since adautocfg.sh exists in <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>?
To implement the solution, please update the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME file system with AutoConfig files from the AppsTier by performing the following steps exactly:
1. On the Application Tier (as the APPLMGR user):
2. Log in to the APPL_TOP environment and source the environment file.
3. Create appsutil.zip file: "perl <AD_TOP>/bin/admkappsutil.pl".
(This will create appsutil.zip in $APPL_TOP/admin/out/appsutil.zip)
4. Copy or FTP the appsutil.zip file to the RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME.
5. On the Database Tier (as the ORACLE user):
$ unzip -o appsutil.zip
6. Generate the Database Context File:
Context File Creation on UNIX
$ . <SID>_<HOST>.env
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
$ perl adbldxml.pl tier=db appsuser=<APPSuser> appspasswd=<APPSpwd>
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
$ adconfig.sh contextfile=<CONTEXT> appspass=<APPSpwd>
After running the these steps, all files and directories for Autoconfig are now present, including "$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/adautocfg.sh" and the "$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts" directory.
时间: 2024-10-24 11:19:45