gEcrit 是一个 Python 集成开发工具,简单易用,快速且轻量级。功能包括:代码缩进、代码行数显示、代码折叠、语法高亮、shell访问、代码自动完成、程序运行、源码浏览、指南、自动保存等功能。
gEcrit is a Python IDE. Its focus is on simplicity and ease of use. It is fast and lightweight. It features Python indentation, line numbers, code folding, syntax highlighting, shell access, code completion, a program runner, a source browser, indentation guides, a white space indicator, autosa">ving, an edge line, multiple tabs, printing, jumping to a specific line, word searching, word replacement, zooming undo/redo, code submission, Python syntax checking, the ability to change the indentation of many lines at once, autocompletiton, and bad brace checking.
·This release fixes a critical bug in the Color Picker.
·A tree file browser was added. A few bugs in the color palette were fixed.
·Spelling suggestions that show up after a space were implemented. An entry was added for this feature in the preferences window.
·Support for spell checking was added. The program uses the system dictionary.
·The source code was organized. Some minor things were tweaked.