memory management unit (MMU)

A memory management unit (MMU) is a computer hardware component that handles all memory and caching operations associated with the processor. In other words, the MMU is responsible for all aspects of memory management. It is usually integrated into the processor, although in some systems it occupies a separate IC (integrated circuit) chip.

The work of the MMU can be divided into three major categories:

时间: 2024-10-30 10:20:34

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MMU是Memory Management Unit的缩写,中文名是内存管理单元,它是中央处理器(CPU)中用来管理虚拟存储器.物理存储器的控制线路,同时也负责虚拟地址映射为物理地址,以及提供硬件机制的内存访问授权. 一.MMU的历史 许多年以前,当人们还在使用DOS或是更古老的操作系统的时候,计算机的内存还非常小,一般都是以K为单位进行计算,相应的,当时的程序规模也不大,所以内存容量虽然小,但还是可以容纳当时的程序.但随着图形界面的兴起还有用户需求的不断增大,应用程序的规模也随之膨胀起来,终于