


难道visual studio 不支持**应用限定符**?**我把引用限定符都删去就没错了**,但是为什么呢?谢谢各位大神啦(我就不复制代码了,代码有点多 ,看起来烦。。。)这个报错明显是有问题的,因为min_qty明显已经在下面定义了






C++ has long been a mainstay of the computing industry, gaining significant adoption since it came on the scene in the early 1980s. Yet even with its rich history, it continues to evolve in meaningful ways, now on a faster cadence than we’ve seen in the past. In fact, this has already been a big year for C++. In April, less than two years after the ratification of C++11, the ISO C++ committee voted to adopt the feature set for the upcoming C++14 standard, which is expected to be done in the next year and which rounds out the C++11 standard with key features like generic lambdas.

We started on the path of C++11 support in Visual C++ with our Visual Studio 2010 release, in which we implemented several C++11 features, including auto and lambda functions. In Visual Studio 2012, we implemented more of the standard, with support for features like range-based for loops, standard threads, and futures. And this week we announced Visual Studio 2013 Preview, which as I noted in my blog post on the Preview earlier this week, provides more C++11 support, including capabilities like variadic templates and delegating constructors. However, as several of you have pointed out in comments on that post, we still have a ways to go in providing full support for C++11.

Today at his Build 2013 conference session on “The Future of C++”, Herb Sutter (an architect on our Visual C++ team and the convener of the ISO C++ standards committee) announced a roadmap for when Visual C++ would implement the complete feature set of the current ISO C++ standard. Because C++14 “completes C++11,” and because as of two months ago we now know C++14’s feature set, we consider draft C++14 to be the current target. I think a particular statement of Herb’s clarifies our approach nicely:

“Visual C++ is targeting C++14, so we’re treating all the new features in C++11 and C++14 as a single bucket of work to do. We’ll do all of the features, but we’ll work on them in the order that delivers the most value soonest to customers. That means we will implement all of C++11 and C++14, but some high-value C++14 features, such as generic lambdas, should come before others from C++11.”

We will share a more specific timeframe for full conformance as we work through the details, but the following slide from Herb’s talk presented what we know now, listing the features remaining to be added and the approximate order in which we expect them to appear.

There are six “buckets” of remaining language features which together will bring Visual C++ to be a full implementation of not only C++11 and C++14, but also the “C++14 wave” that includes three additional technical specifications also expected to be completed by the ISO C++ committee in the next year: a file system library based on Boost File System version 3 (the previous version 2 is already included in Visual C++ 2012), an initial networking library, and set of language extensions called “Concepts” that enable expressing template constraints and are important to improve template type-checking and deliver greatly improved diagnostics.

The first two buckets of features will be available in Visual C++ 2013 RTM later this year. Herb also announced that, in response to customer requests, the RTM version will also include a few tactical C99 language extensions when compiling C code, so that some popular community libraries (including FFmpeg) will now be able to compile with Visual C++ 2013.

Some subset of the next two buckets, which include some of the most highly anticipated C++14 features (such as generic lambdas and generalized lambda capture) are already being implemented in parallel with our work on Visual C++ 2013 and will ship in a CTP release soon after the Visual C++ 2013 RTM. This CTP will also include an implementation of the async/await feature Microsoft is proposing for the C++ standard; async/await has not only been the number one request from our C++/CX customers for WinRT programming, it is more generally wonderfully useful for any asynchronous code.

Herb also announced today the GoingNative conference, happening in a few months on September 4-6 on Microsoft’s campus in Redmond, WA. At that event, we will be able to share another progress update with more specific details on the timing and feature set of the upcoming CTP and related work announced in today’s roadmap. The GoingNative conference will include a keynote by Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, as well as talks by a “who’s who” of the C++ community and active standards committee members: Scott Meyers, Andrei Alexandrescu of Facebook, Chandler Carruth of Google, Stephan T. Lavavej of Microsoft, Sean Parent of Adobe, Michael Wong of IBM (who also represents Canada in ISO C++ and who is the current chairman of OpenMP), and more. Registration for the conference is now open.

We are delighted to see the continued momentum behind C++ across the industry, and we look forward to continuing to being a part of this important language and community. For more information and to discuss these efforts, please see the Visual C++ team blog.

时间: 2024-09-14 02:11:24


Gerrit 2.11.5 发布,代码评审工具

Gerrit 2.11.5 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复: Issue 3442: Handle commit validation errors when creating/editing changes via REST. When an exception was thrown by a commit validator during creation of a new change, or during publish of an inline edit, this resulted


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1.概述 linux/kernel/目录下共包括 10 个 C 语言文件和 2 个汇编语言文件以及一个 kernel 下编译文件的管理配置文件 Makefile.其中三个子目录中代码注释的将放在后面的文章进行.本文主要对这 13 个代码文件进行注释. 首先我们对所有程序的基本功能进行概括性地总体介绍, 以便一开始就对这 12 个文件所实现的功能和它们之间的相互调用关系有个大致的了解,然后逐一对代码进行详细地注释. 本文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/archimedes/p/


本文实例讲述了jquery京东商城双11焦点图多图广告特效.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: jquery实现的京东商城双11焦点图多图广告滑动及自动切换动画效果源码,是一段模仿京东商城双11的焦点图代码,专业应用于网站的图片展示及重点展示的区域,该段代码实现了鼠标滑过切换图片及自动切换图片两种效果. 运行效果图:     -------------------查看效果 下载源码------------------- 小提示:浏览器中如果不能正常运行,可以尝试切换浏览模式. 为大家分享的jque


文章描述:Web前端:11个让你代码整洁的原则. 写Web页面就像我们建设房子一样,地基牢固,房子才不会倒.同样的,我们制作Web页面也一样,一个良好的HTML结构是制作一个美丽的网站的开始,同样的,良好的CSS只存在同样良好的HTML中,所以一个干净的,语义的HTML的优点很多,那么平时制作中,我们做到了这一点吗?我们一起来看一张图片: 上图展示了两段代码,我想大家都只会喜欢第一种,我们先不说其语义,至少他的结构让我们看上去清爽,而第二种呢?一看就是糟糕的代码的代码,让人讨厌的代码.那么要怎么

DB2 Magazine:IDS 11数据库监控

Sysmaster数据库是一种伪数据库,是Informix Dynamic Server(IDS)安装的一部分,表现了IDS服务器的共享内存结构.这是一种监控服务器状态和性能的出色工具.我已经做过一些有关此内容的演讲,也撰写过许多文章. IDS 11(过去的代码名称是"Cheetah")为Sysmaster数据库添加了众多全新特性.此专栏和未来的文章将提供一些示例,说明您可以如何利用全新的 Sysmaster 监控表.如果您参加本月举办的 IBM Information On Dema


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so-android jni使用,报错:Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) code 2

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《深入理解C++11:C++ 11新特性解析与应用》——1.2 今时今日的C++

1.2 今时今日的C++ 1.2.1 C++的江湖地位 如今C++依旧位列通用编程语言三甲,不过似乎没有以前那么流行了.事实上,编程语言排名通常非常难以衡量.比如,某位教授或学生用了C++来教授课程应该被计算在内吗?在新的联合攻击战斗机(Joint Strike Fighter,JSF-35)的航空电子设备中使用了C++编程应该计算在内吗?又或者C++被用于一款流行的智能手机操作系统的编程中算不算呢?再或者是C++被用于编写最流行的在线付费搜索引擎,或用于构建一款热门的第一人称射击游戏的引擎,或