MyMediaLite 是一个轻量级的多用途的">推荐系统的算法库。
MyMediaLite 1.03更新日志:
A prototype SOAP web service for rating prediction. We plan to offer
most of MyMediaLite's
functionality using RESTful services in the future. New recommenders: FactorWiseMatrixFactorization, BiasMatrixFactorizationMAE Simplified interfaces IRatingPrediction and IItemRecommender The library (and the command-line tools) now also offer an online evaluation protocol that uses incremental updates.
Important announcement: This may be the last version to support Mono 2.6. If you use MyMediaLite and rely on running it on Mono 2.6, please tell us so that we can figure out how you will be able to run future versions of MML.
binary package: MyMediaLite-1.03.tar
.gz (2011-06-22) source code: MyMediaLite-1.03.src.tar.gz (2011-06-22)