

DeepMind moves to TensorFlow


Friday, April 29, 2016

Posted by Koray Kavukcuoglu, Research Scientist, Google DeepMind

At DeepMind, we conduct state-of-the-art research on a wide range of algorithms, from deep learning and reinforcement learning to systems neuroscience, towards the goal of building Artificial General Intelligence. A key factor in facilitating rapid progress is the software environment used for research. For nearly four years, the open source Torch7 machine learning library has served as our primary research platform, combining excellent flexibility with very fast runtime execution, enabling rapid prototyping. Our team has been proud to contribute to the open source project in capacities ranging from occasional bug fixes to being core maintainers of several crucial components.


With Google’s recent open source release of TensorFlow, we initiated a project to test its suitability for our research environment. Over the last six months, we have re-implemented more than a dozen different projects in TensorFlow to develop a deeper understanding of its potential use cases and the tradeoffs for research. Today we are excited to announce that DeepMind will start using TensorFlow for all our future research. We believe that TensorFlow will enable us to execute our ambitious research goals at much larger scale and an even faster pace, providing us with a unique opportunity to further accelerate our research programme.


As one of the core contributors of Torch7, I have had the pleasure of working closely with an excellent community of developers and researchers, and it has been amazing to see all the great work that has been built on top of the platform and the impact this has had on the field. Torch7 is currently being used by Facebook, Twitter, and many start-ups and academic labs as well as DeepMind, and I’m proud of the significant contribution it has made to a large community in both research and industry. Our transition to TensorFlow represents a new chapter, and I feel very excited about the prospect of DeepMind contributing heavily to another great open source machine learning platform that everyone can use to advance the state-of-the-art.


时间: 2024-09-16 16:25:30


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