Don't let self-built concept imprison yourself

  If Self-inferiority is disease, but self-confidence is hazard.

Leo moon personalities can be extremely stubborn.


  You got a new job with low salary, but your self-confident mind put some other abstract reasons to let you believe this job is great;  You never experience some work and know less about details, but look down upon these work with your imaginary reasons. You might be a frog in a well, but always laugh on this ancient story.
    We have limited choices when we are teenagers, just studying hard everyday. As time gone by, the count of your available options grow explosively. Everyday you might need to decide what and where to lunch, what to do tonight, which house to rent, which girl to pursue... you make choices and your choices changed yourself. You have built some ridiculous concept to convince yourself. Just like:
    1. A civil servant is quite boring because they have no freedom, and work in one place with little change in whole life.
    2. I don't like short-hair girl, as they looks not so gentle (there might be a short-hair girl broke all your short imagination). After that, your selecting standards have been added a new item: long hair.
    3. This programming language is boring, because of low efficiency and hard to write. The concept might be built after writing or even just reading some shit-like code and pass the buck to pitiful language.
    4. This is delicious and that is boring, just because of one unhappy dinning experience.
    Concept is important because it limit the possible space of available choices and make it easy to make a selection. Just imagine what a hard work to buy a house in Beijing without any limitation!(I wanna that!)  
    please don't let your self-built concept imprison yourself.
    Show more respect to other choices and do not miss Miss right.
    Learn and think about more possibility outside your concept, do not be extremely stubborn please!
    Try something new everyday, a new dish, a new street, meet a new guy, read new book, this have been a concept of me, does it will limit myself? Funny right? 

时间: 2025-01-27 14:50:21

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