Tim Cook成为苹果新任CEO之后,保持了与乔布斯相同的习惯,那就是会亲自回复用户发来的某些邮件。但这次看来Tim Cook为用户所做的已经远远不是">回复邮件这么简单了,他联系了AT&T,帮助用户解除了iPhone 3GS的合约。这位向Tim Cook发信的用户被公司派往加拿大工作,但是他想继续使用自己的iPhone 3GS。AT&T拒绝为这位用户提供解锁服务,并表示只有苹果才能这么做。
这位用户在联系苹果之后,苹果表示只有AT&T才能提供这种服务。当他联系了AT&T的高级主管时,主管回复到:“你越狱吧!”最后他抱着最后一丝希望开始向Tim Cook发信。
随后,这位用户收到了AT&T的消息,通知他已经收到Tim Cook的要求,会马上为他提供解锁服务。最后这位用户的妻子接到了Tim Cook私人助理的电话,询问他的iPhone 3GS是否已经解锁。他的妻子当然非常糊涂,并询问道,Tim Cook管你的iPhone干什么?下面是这位用户向Tim Cook发送的邮件。
Hi Tim,
My family is immersed in the
Apple brand. All 4 of my children (aged 2 to 8) have been using
iPod touches, i
Phones, iPads, and iMacs since they were a year old. Our television is a 27” iMac using eyeTV. My kids talk to their grandmother every second day via video Skype on the iMac. All of our computers are Macs (we have 4 in the house). Apple has touched every aspect of our lives and made it richer!
My company recently moved me to Canada for a work assignment for a few years. My wife’s iPhone 3GS had finished its contract with AT&T so I bought her an iPhone 4 the day we moved to Canada. I took her iPhone 3GS and I contacted AT&T to see if I could have it unlocked so that I could use the phone with a Canadian carrier with a “pay as you go” plan for casual use (I’m forced to use a Blackberry for work, but I hate it so I’d like to use the iPhone for phone calls). This is where my problems began.
Basically AT&T told me that they couldn’t unlock it, only Apple could. I called Apple (but was routed through Apple Canada) and they told me “ask to talk to a supervisor at AT&T because the customer service rep won’t know the process, but AT&T definitely can unlock it”. So I called them back and the supervisor was adamant that they couldn’t help me. “Just jailbreak your phone” was their advice.
I didn’t want to jailbreak my phone, I like Apple’s curated experience and I don’t want to stray from that. However after several
more calls to both AT&T and Apple, I made no progress. So I’m turning to you for a final plea.
I love Apple and will continue to buy your products regardless of what happens with this situation. However, I did pay $600 some odd dollars for this
device (even though I bought it on contact and they say its subsidized, I’m basically pa
ying for the device in my monthly payments) and I’d like to be able to use it.
My thanks to the Apple team, keep innovating!