Highlights of Kongoni 2011 (beta2)发布 基于Slackware发行版

Kongoni GNU/Linux是基于Slackware的面向桌面的GNU/Linux发行和自启动运行光盘。其主要特性包括一份图形化安装程序,Kongoni集 成设置系统(KISS),以及一份易于使用的Ports安装">图形用户界面(PIG)。该发行的包管理系统,其主要的概念源自BSD ports,这包括一份直观的图形化包安装程序,它能从用户系统上的源代码进行编译安装。

After a couple of weeks of working in improving and resolving some important bugs, updating most package, Firefly is ready for the second beta and hopefully for the last beta of this release.

KDE was updated to version 4.6.2 as also the kernel was moved to version For the moment, Kongoni will stick with the 2.6.37 kernel branch, as it seems very stable and fast. I don’t know for sure when Kongoni will move to a newer branch, but sometimes it’s better just to wait a while and stick with something that works.

Like I said before, KDE was updated to version 4.6.2 and the reason for this were some bugs found by the KDE development team. I could have taken only the patches from KDE, but didn’t seems to have much of a point, as most of the packages coming with KDE would have been updated anyway.

Besides KDE and the kernel, there was a bug found when using udisks. The problem was that no external USB disks were mounted by udisks, even if udisks and udev found them. This issue got fixed in beta2 and now everything works at it should.

Also due to some mails received that addressed some issues regarding rekonq, I’ve decided to move to Chromium as the default browser. Some of the people reported that rekonq is kind of slow and doesn’t work so well. To be honest, in some of my tests I didn’t notice any issues, but it’s true that rekonq didn’t work very well with Gnash and a lot of Youtube videos don’t work, but the same videos work with Chromium and Gnash.

Another important fix and update happened to openjdk and now in the repository the users can find the binary version and source version of openjdk 1.6.0_22, but I wouldn’t suggest anyone to try to build openjdk from source as it can take a while  .



时间: 2024-09-07 16:30:14

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