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Have you guys stumbled up on this issue ? Basically in iOS 7 Navigation Controller is rendered over the sub-view I navigated to. In iOS 6 view I navigate to is enclosed between navigation bar and footer. In iOS 7 it looks like sub-view is rendered full-screen, under navigation bar and footer. As result user don't see it. Here is how I navigate to subview
Here is how I initialize it in
For what it's worth I should also mention that sub-view is defined in XIB using Autolayout. Here is source of my XIB: http://pastebin.com/6RR0zYu4 And finally here is how it looks in iOS 6 And in iOS 7 Any thoughts ? ios cocoa-touch ios6 uinavigationcontroller ios7
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1 Answer
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Well, I figured it out. In your sub-view (
Interestingly enough in root view controller these value are set to default I don't know why it's so illogical. It's also strange that
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