AliGenie AR Fuels the Ali New Retail Strategy - Commodity Show

AR is used to display the product,which has great advantages. The users can see, know and operate the product virtually before buying them. We have developed several applications for the mobile users. I will introduce some of them for you. ARDetail shows the details information of products. At the same time, the user can see actual appearance and size under real environment. SLAM and various kinds of detections are integrated intelligently to make the tracking fast and stably. There is a robot car rendered in this video. Although we vibrated the phone, you can see the robot stayed firmly on the screen.

This video shows our Product Description application. After the customer shoots at the object, such as electric appliance, the application will pop up the 3D model of this appliance cover the real one. The customer can press the button of the model, which led the application to give useful information to the customer. It helps the customer to understand the product correctly and completely. The model-based tracking suits to this condition.

AR can be used to measure the size of the object. We applied the similar method named ARRuler to measure the person’s feet. The result we achieved is prettry good. The error is less than 4mm. For example, there is an AR page for man shoes on Taobao, pv/day is 49 thousands, uv/day is 34 thousands. Every watch time is 28 seconds. Direct GMV for one marketing activities is more than 10 millions yuan.

时间: 2025-01-24 09:38:22

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