










——生成forms,reports,messages,graphics,和所有java archive(jar)文件。







adop永远是从 run edition file system中运行,他自动设置自己正确的环境。




1、首先从ebs已安装的产品的 C library中抽取对应的文件。

2、把抽取出的文件对象模块和补丁目录里的相应的文件做比较,当然,除了C library文件还有forms,reports,sql脚本文件。

3、在补丁目录下备份ebs产品里需要替换的文件,举个例子:1234567是补丁目录;VIS是applications system名字;/u01/test/apps/fs1/EBSapps/appl/是APPL_TOP;GL是要打补丁的产品。那么,这个备份会从:

GL/子目录/要替换的文件   to     1234567/backup/VIS/vs022/gl/patch/115/要替换的文件



5、在C library里装载新的对象模块。

6、relink这个产品到操作系统,oracle server,还有其他oracle 产品库。

7、如果需要,修改java class文件,生成JAR文件。




1、获得apps schema下的当前所有无效对象的列表。

2、Determines whether the action was performed in a previous patch

3、Runs SQL scripts and EXEC commands, which change Oracle E-Business Suitedatabase objects. By default, adop runs scripts and commands in parallel.
4、 Compiles invalid objects in the database.
5、Assembles a list of current invalid objects in the APPS schema.

Generate Portion of a Unified Driver
Apply the generate portion of a unified driver on all APPL_TOP directories containing
one or more files being generated by the patch. When the generate portion of a driver
runs, adop performs these actions:
• Generates Oracle Forms PL/SQL library files
• Generates Oracle Forms menu files
• Generates Oracle Forms executable files
• Generates Oracle Reports PL/SQL library files
• Generates Oracle Reports files
• Generates message files
• Generates Oracle Workflow resource files






phase——用来告诉adop他该运行那个阶段,包括:prepare,apply,cutover,cleanup,finalize,actualize_all,fs_clone,abort。传参数运行的时候,可以用逗号隔开,指定多个阶段,fs_clone和abort这俩阶段不能和其他的阶段一起。(abort表示退出之前失败的session,这样之前session的参数就没有了,可以进行新的cycle了,我用了一次:adop phase=abort)



patches:指定adop要应用的补丁,有两种方式:一种是只有一串数字的那种目录;还有一种是有冒号加驱动的,一般是:HRMS Legislative(立法的)data patch、online help 补丁、语言补丁。。。如中文补丁包:patches=10124646_ZHS:u10124646.drv



abandon:指定是否重启之前运行的adop,如果之前运行的有错误(因为如果之前的adop有错误,abandon如果没有被设置为yes,那上次的错误的参数会被用到本次运行),那就可以用它。取值:yes/no  。



abandon=no restart=yes  will retry a patching operation
abandon=yes restart=no   will not retry a patching operation

action:用来指定是否运行数据库cations,取值:db/nodb 。 action=nodb用来关闭数据库的actions,如果在多节点环境中,adop已经更新了数据库,但是你仍然更新文件系统到别的节点,这就非常有用了。


autoskip:用来在非交互模式的补丁下,控制是否提示用户关于跳过的actions,默认值是yes 。。。。一个脚本叫:ADZDPATCHSTAT.sql在finalize阶段,给出补丁的状态信息:SUCCESS,SKIPPED and SUCCESS, SKIPPED, FAILED四种。



其他一些日志如记录并行workers所有动作的worker log也放在s_ne_base下面:/u01/test/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop

ad log 文件:

adrelink.log   ——used for  Relinking

adlibin.log   —— used for Moving C object files into the C library of a product 

adliboutlog   —— used for Moving C object files out of the C library of a product

adworkxxx.log  —— used for Database operations run in parallel

<language>_<filename>_ldt.log      ——used for loader files





 adop phase=prepare 准备阶段

 adop phase=apply  patches=15955263workers=6     ——补丁会打到fs2上

 adop phase=finalize,cutover,cleanup workers=6




到下次再进行打补丁的时候,运行prepare过程会把当前fs2文件系统(因为在之前patch15955263你打在了fs2上)同步给fs1(这个时候fs1系统上就有patch 15955263了)。



  • What are the phases that make up the Online Patching cycle?
    The Online Patching cycle consists of the following phases:
    1. Prepare a virtual copy (patch edition) of the running application (run edition).
    2. Apply patches to the patch edition of the application.
    3. Finalize the system in readiness for the cutover phase.
    4. Cutover to the patch edition and make it the new run edition.
    5. Cleanup obsolete definitions or data to recover space
  • What downtime is required during an Online Patching cycle?
    The cutover phase requires a short period of downtime (typically a few minutes) for transition tasks such as a restart of the application tier services
  • How does Online Patching work on the application tier?
    During Release 12.2 installation, Rapid Install will lay down two copies of the application tier file system. One of the copies will be labeled as therun file system, and the other as thepatch file system.Subsequently, when a patch is applied, adop will:
    1. Synchronize the contents of the run file system to the patch file system. This happens during theprepare phase.(在prepare阶段,同步run file system 到patch file system)
    2. Perform patching actions on the patch file system. This happens during theapply phase.
    3. Finally, during the cutover phase, the adop utility restarts the application tier services. The patch file system is then promoted to be the new run file system, and the old run file system becomes the patch file system for the next patching cycle.

    Note that a third file system, the non-editioned file system (fs_ne), is created to store files containing data that is needed across all file systems,such as log files.

  • Is it possible to abort an Online Patching session?
    Yes. Up to cutover, you can run the abort phase to undo the changes made so far in the patching cycle. It is not possible to back out patches once cutover is complete. 
  • How does adop work in a multi-node environment?
    The adop Online Patching tool uses remote APIs and ssh login to execute patching operations on remote nodes in a multi-node environment. The node that launches adop becomes the ‘master’ node, and the remote nodes are referred to as ‘slaves’. 


  • Will AutoConfig and adadmin maintenance tasks such as adrelink be performed online?
    Yes, these maintenance tasks will be performed online. The relevant operations will be targeted to the patch file system, and should be performed during a patching cycle. They will not have any impact on the run file system. 
时间: 2024-11-03 07:13:36



ORACLE R12.2 ADOP ERRORS adop errors at fsclone Stage. Error :  1. Error occurred while executing <perl /sid/applmgr/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/txkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize.pl2. Error occurred while CONFIG_CLONE Patch File System from

r12.2——adop cycle 详解

prepare: prepare阶段要做的东西是根据上下文环境决定的,比如你是在这个系统上第一次运行prepare:再比如你是上次的apply 阶段失败后abort了,在运行的:再比如你是在cutover之后运行的... Important:在运行prepare阶段之前,你必须保证满足如下条件(mgP77):如下空间必须满足:• SYSTEM tablespace has a minimum of 25 GB of free space• APPS_TS_SEED tablespace has

R12.2——adop 数据库 Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR)

In the database, there is also a run edition and patch edition, but they do not swap roles back and forth as in the file system: the patch edition only comes into existence during apatching cycle, and becomes the new run edition at the end of the cyc


  这篇文章主要介绍了Python中title()方法的使用简介,是Python入门中的基础知识,需要的朋友可以参考下 title()方法返回所有单词的第一个字符大写的字符串的一个副本. 语法 以下是title()方法的语法: ? 1 str.title(); 参数 NA 返回值 此方法返回其中所有单词的前几个字符都是大写的字符串的一个副本. 例子 下面的例子显示了title()方法的使用. ? 1 2 3 4 #!/usr/bin/python   str = "this is string


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