今天早些时候考夫曼兄弟公司分析师Shaw Wu曾表示由于RIM的QNX操作系统并没有做好电池优化工作,因此PlayBook的电池续航时间和同行相比会明显较短。对于分析师的评论,RIM当天发布声明驳斥,公司认为目前的问题并非发生在设备优化上,公司正在跟踪有关黑莓PlayBook的">电池寿命相关的开发工作,为客户提供优越的电池性能。同时RIM还表示预计这款设备将在明年2月左右出货。
“Any testing or observation of battery life to date by anyone outside of RIM would have been performed using pre-beta units that were built without power management implemented. RIM is on track with its schedule to optimize the BlackBerry PlayBook’s battery life and looks forward to providing customers with a professional grade tablet that offers superior performance with comparable battery life.”
时间: 2024-10-02 02:07:10