Delphi7 VCLFixPack 1.4

Delphi7 VCLFixPack 1.4



  VCLFixPackRevision = '1.4';
  VCLFixPackDate = '2009/03/09';  // yyyy/dd/mm

   Add the unit to the .dpr file's uses-list.
   C++Builder user can add the file to the project (Menu Project/Add to project)

     FastMM4, // optional memory manager
     Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas';

 Fixes the following bug
   - [2006-2009]
     QC #74646: Buffer overflow in TCustomClientDataSet.DataConvert with ftWideString

   - [2006-2009]  fixed in Delphi 2009 Update 3
     QC #68647: Infinite loop in Forms.GetNonToolWindowPopupParent

   - [2007-2009]  fixed in Delphi 2009 Update 3
     QC #68740: Lost focus after TOpenDialog when MainFormOnTaskBar is set

   - [2005-2009]
     QC #59963: Closing non-modal forms after a task switch can deactivate the application

   - [6-2007]
     Control resize bugfix for kernel stack overflow due to WH_CALLWNDPROC hook

   - [6-2007]
     QC #59654: TActionList access already released FActions field

   - [6-2007]
     QC #54286 : Parent-PopupMenu overrides standard context menu (edit, memo, combobox, ...)

   - [2006-2007]
     QC #50097: ObjAuto access violation on XEON (Data Execution Prevention bug)

   - [6-2009]
     Classes.MakeObjectInstance memory leak fix
     (for usage in a DLL)

   - [2007]
     QC #58938: MainForm Minimize minimizes in the background

   - [6-2009]     fixed in Delphi 2009 Update 3
     QC #64484: SysUtils.Abort can raise an AccessViolation

   - [2007]
     QC #58939: No taskbar button when starting from ShellLink with Show=Minimized

   - [6-2009]     fixed in Delphi 2009 Update 3
     QC #35001: MDIChild's active control focus is not set correctly

   - [7-2009]
     QC #56252: TPageControl flickers a lot with active theming
     QC #68730: TLabel is not painted on a themed, double-buffered TTabSheet in Vista
     TLabels on TTabSheet are not painted (themes) if a TWinControl like TMemo is on the TTabSheet (TWinControl.PaintWindow bug)

   - [7-2009]
     Grid flickers with active theming (DBGrid, StringGrid and DrawGrid only, no derived classes)

   - [2009]
     QC #69112: TSpeedButton is painted as a black rectangle on a double buffered panel on a sheet of glass.

   - [2009]
     QC #69294: TProgressBar fails with PBS_MARQUEE and disabled Themes (Vista)

   - [Windows Vista]
     Workaround for Windows Vista CompareString bug
     (Workaround is disabled by default, define "VistaCompareStringFix" to activate it)

   - [2007-2009]
     QC #52439: DbNavigator paints incorrectly when flat=true in themed mode

   - [2009]
     QC #69875: StringBuilder.Replace is incorrect
     QC #67564: Error in TStringBuilder.Replace

   - [6-2009]
     QC #7393: App with no main form showing a form with hints freezes

     Added: QC #74646: Buffer overflow in TCustomClientDataSet.DataConvert with ftWideString
     Fixed: TTabSheet looked stange if used with SilverThemes.

     Changed: Disabled all patches that are fixed by Delphi 2009 Update 3
     Added: QC #7393: App with no main form showing a form with hints freezes

     Fixed: Rewritten patch for QC #59963 (AppDeActivateZOrderFix) to fix the cause instead of the symptom
     Added: QC #52439: DbNavigator paints incorrectly when flat=true in themed mode
     Added: QC #70441: ToUpper and ToLower modify a Const argument
     Added: QC #69752: ToUpper and ToLower with NullString
     Added: QC #69875, #67564: StringBuilder.Replace is incorrect
            + a much faster implementation

     Fixed: DBGrid ScrollBar gab wasn't painted correctly in BiDiMode <> bdLeftToRight
     Fixed: TTabSheet could throw an access violation if no PageControl was assigned to it
     Changed: Rewritten TaskModalDialog bugfix
     Added: QC #69294: TProgressBar fails with PBS_MARQUEE and disabled Themes (Vista)



时间: 2025-01-20 10:43:16

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