Functor是范畴学(Category theory)里的概念。不过无须担心,我们在scala FP编程里并不需要先掌握范畴学知识的。在scalaz里,Functor就是一个普通的typeclass,具备map over特性。我的理解中,Functor的主要用途是在FP过程中更新包嵌在容器(高阶类)F[T]中元素T值。典型例子如:List[String], Option[Int]等。我们曾经介绍过FP与OOP的其中一项典型区别在于FP会尽量避免中间变量(temp variables)。FP的变量V是以F[V]这种形式存在的,如:List[Int]里一个Int变量是包嵌在容器List里的。所以FP需要特殊的方式来更新变量V,这就是Functor map over的意思。scalaz提供了Functor typeclass不但使用户能map over自定义的高阶类型F[T],并且用户通过提供自定义类型的Functor实例就可以免费使用scalaz Functor typeclass提供的一系列组件函数(combinator functions)。
trait Functor[F[_]] extends InvariantFunctor[F] { self =>
import Liskov.<~<
/** Lift `f` into `F` and apply to `F[A]`. */
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
任何类型的实例只需要实现这个抽象函数map就可以使用scalaz Functor typeclass的这些注入方法了:scalaz/syntax/FunctorSyntax.scala
final class FunctorOps[F[_],A] private[syntax](val self: F[A])(implicit val F: Functor[F]) extends Ops[F[A]] {
import Leibniz.===
import Liskov.<~<
final def map[B](f: A => B): F[B] =
final def distribute[G[_], B](f: A => G[B])(implicit D: Distributive[G]): G[F[B]] = D.distribute(self)(f)
final def cosequence[G[_], B](implicit ev: A === G[B], D: Distributive[G]): G[F[B]] = D.distribute(self)(ev(_))
final def cotraverse[G[_], B, C](f: F[B] => C)(implicit ev: A === G[B], D: Distributive[G]): G[C] =
final def ∘[B](f: A => B): F[B] =
final def strengthL[B](b: B): F[(B, A)] = F.strengthL(b, self)
final def strengthR[B](b: B): F[(A, B)] = F.strengthR(self, b)
final def fpair: F[(A, A)] = F.fpair(self)
final def fproduct[B](f: A => B): F[(A, B)] = F.fproduct(self)(f)
final def void: F[Unit] = F.void(self)
final def fpoint[G[_]: Applicative]: F[G[A]] = => Applicative[G].point(a))
final def >|[B](b: => B): F[B] = => b)
final def as[B](b: => B): F[B] = => b)
final def widen[B](implicit ev: A <~< B): F[B] = F.widen(self)
1、map(fa)(x => x) === fa
2、map(map(fa)(f1))(f2) === map(fa)(f2 compose f1)
trait FunctorLaw extends InvariantFunctorLaw {
/** The identity function, lifted, is a no-op. map(fa)(x => x*/
def identity[A](fa: F[A])(implicit FA: Equal[F[A]]): Boolean = FA.equal(map(fa)(x => x), fa)
* A series of maps may be freely rewritten as a single map on a
* composed function.
def composite[A, B, C](fa: F[A], f1: A => B, f2: B => C)(implicit FC: Equal[F[C]]): Boolean = FC.equal(map(map(fa)(f1))(f2), map(fa)(f2 compose f1))
我们可以用List来证明:map(fa)(x => x) === fa
scala> List(1,2,3).map(x => x) assert_=== List(1,2,3)
scala> List(1,2,3).map(identity) assert_=== List(1,2)
java.lang.RuntimeException: [1,2,3] ≠ [1,2]
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at scalaz.syntax.EqualOps.assert_$eq$eq$eq(EqualSyntax.scala:16)
... 43 elided
map(map(fa)(f1))(f2) === map(fa)(f2 compose f1)
scala> Functor[List].map(List(1,2,3).map(i => i + 1))(i2 => i2 * 3) assert_=== List(1,2,3).map(((i2:Int) => i2 * 3) compose ((i:Int) => i + 1))
scala> Functor[List].map(List(1,2,3).map(i => i + 1))(i2 => i2 * 3) assert_=== List(1,2,3).map(((i:Int) => i + 1) compose ((i2:Int) => i2 * 3))
java.lang.RuntimeException: [6,9,12] ≠ [4,7,10]
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at scalaz.syntax.EqualOps.assert_$eq$eq$eq(EqualSyntax.scala:16)
... 43 elided
1 case class Item3[A](i1: A, i2: A, i3: A)
2 val item3Functor = new Functor[Item3] {
3 def map[A,B](ia: Item3[A])(f: A => B): Item3[B] = Item3(f(ia.i1),f(ia.i2),f(ia.i3))
4 } //> item3Functor : scalaz.Functor[scalaz.functor.Item3] = scalaz.functor$$anonf
5 //| un$main$1$$anon$1@5e265ba4
1 scala> functor.laws[Item3].check
2 <console>:27: error: could not find implicit value for parameter af: org.scalacheck.Arbitrary[Item3[Int]]
3 functor.laws[Item3].check
4 ^
scala> implicit def item3Arbi[A](implicit a: Arbitrary[A]): Arbitrary[Item3[A]] = Arbitrary {
| def genItem3: Gen[Item3[A]] = for {
| b <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[A]
| c <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[A]
| d <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[A]
| } yield Item3(b,c,d)
| genItem3
| }
item3Arbi: [A](implicit a: org.scalacheck.Arbitrary[A])org.scalacheck.Arbitrary[Item3[A]]
scala> functor.laws[Item3].check
+ functor.invariantFunctor.identity: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ functor.invariantFunctor.composite: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ functor.identity: OK, passed 100 tests.
+ functor.composite: OK, passed 100 tests.
实际上map就是(A => B) => (F[A] => F[B]),就是把(A => B)升格(lift)成(F[A] => F[B]):
case class Item3[A](i1: A, i2: A, i3: A)
implicit val item3Functor = new Functor[Item3] {
def map[A,B](ia: Item3[A])(f: A => B): Item3[B] = Item3(f(ia.i1),f(ia.i2),f(ia.i3))
} //> item3Functor : scalaz.Functor[scalaz.functor.Item3] = scalaz.functor$$anonf
//| un$main$1$$anon$1@5e265ba4
val F = Functor[Item3] //> F : scalaz.Functor[scalaz.functor.Item3] = scalaz.functor$$anonfun$main$1$$
//| anon$1@5e265ba4"Morning","Noon","Night"))(_.length) //> res0: scalaz.functor.Item3[Int] = Item3(7,4,5)
F.apply(Item3("Morning","Noon","Night"))(_.length)//> res1: scalaz.functor.Item3[Int] = Item3(7,4,5)
F(Item3("Morning","Noon","Night"))(_.length) //> res2: scalaz.functor.Item3[Int] = Item3(7,4,5)
F.lift((s: String) => s.length)(Item3("Morning","Noon","Night"))
//> res3: scalaz.functor.Item3[Int] = Item3(7,4,5)
虽然函数升格(function lifting (A => B) => (F[A] => F[B])是Functor的主要功能,但我们说过:一旦能够获取Item3类型的Functor实例我们就能免费使用所有的注入方法:
scalaz提供了Function1的Functor实例。Function1 Functor的map就是 andThen 也就是操作方调换的compose:
scala> (((_: Int) + 1) map((k: Int) => k * 3))(2)
res20: Int = 9
scala> (((_: Int) + 1) map((_: Int) * 3))(2)
res21: Int = 9
scala> (((_: Int) + 1) andThen ((_: Int) * 3))(2)
res22: Int = 9
scala> (((_: Int) * 3) compose ((_: Int) + 1))(2)
res23: Int = 9
scala> val f = Functor[List] compose Functor[Item3]
f: scalaz.Functor[[α]List[Item3[α]]] = scalaz.Functor$$anon$1@647ce8fd
scala> val item3 = Item3("Morning","Noon","Night")
item3: Item3[String] = Item3(Morning,Noon,Night)
res25: List[Item3[Int]] = List(Item3(7,4,5), Item3(7,4,5))
1 scala> val f1 = Functor[Item3] compose Functor[List]
2 f1: scalaz.Functor[[α]Item3[List[α]]] = scalaz.Functor$$anon$1@5b6a0166
4 scala>"1"),List("22"),List("333")))(_.length)
5 res26: Item3[List[Int]] = Item3(List(1),List(2),List(3))
scala> item3.fpair
res28: Item3[(String, String)] = Item3((Morning,Morning),(Noon,Noon),(Night,Night))
scala> item3.strengthL(3)
res29: Item3[(Int, String)] = Item3((3,Morning),(3,Noon),(3,Night))
scala> item3.strengthR(3)
res30: Item3[(String, Int)] = Item3((Morning,3),(Noon,3),(Night,3))
scala> item3.fproduct(_.length)
res31: Item3[(String, Int)] = Item3((Morning,7),(Noon,4),(Night,5))
scala> item3 as "Day"
res32: Item3[String] = Item3(Day,Day,Day)
scala> item3 >| "Day"
res33: Item3[String] = Item3(Day,Day,Day)
scala> item3.void
res34: Item3[Unit] = Item3((),(),())
scala> Functor[List].map(List(1,2,3))(_ + 3)
res35: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 6)
scala> Functor[Option].map(Some(3))(_ + 3)
res36: Option[Int] = Some(6)
scala> Functor[java.util.concurrent.Callable]
res37: scalaz.Functor[java.util.concurrent.Callable] =$$anon$1@4176ab89
scala> Functor[Stream]
res38: scalaz.Functor[Stream] = scalaz.std.StreamInstances$$anon$1@4f5374b9
scala> Functor[Vector]
res39: scalaz.Functor[Vector] = scalaz.std.IndexedSeqSubInstances$$anon$1@4367920a
对那些多个类型变量的类型我们可以采用部分施用方式:即type lambda来表示。一个典型的类型:Either[E,A],我们可以把Left[E]固定下来: Either[String, A],我们可以用type lambda来这样表述:
1 scala> Functor[({type l[x] = Either[String,x]})#l].map(Right(3))(_ + 3)
2 res41: scala.util.Either[String,Int] = Right(6)
scala> Functor[({type l[x] = String => x})#l].map((s: String) => s + "!")(_.length)("Hello")
res53: Int = 6
scala> Functor[({type l[x] = (String,Int) => x})#l].map((s: String, i: Int) => s.length + i)(_ * 10)("Hello",5)
res54: Int = 100
scala> Functor[({type l[x] = (String,Int,Boolean) => x})#l].map((s: String,i: Int, b: Boolean)=> s + i.toString + b.toString)(_.toUpperCase)("Hello",3,true)
res56: String = HELLO3TRUE
cala> Functor[({type l[x] = (String,x)})#l].map(("a",1))(_ + 2)
res57: (String, Int) = (a,3)
scala> Functor[({type l[x] = (String,Int,x)})#l].map(("a",1,"b"))(_.toUpperCase)
res58: (String, Int, String) = (a,1,B)
scala> Functor[({type l[x] = (String,Int,Boolean,x)})#l].map(("a",1,true,Item3("a","b","c")))(i =>
res62: (String, Int, Boolean, Item3[String]) = (a,1,true,Item3(A,B,C))