sux0r v2.2.0发布 博客系统支持RSS聚合书签管理等功能

sux0r 是一个博客系统,支持RSS聚合、书签管理以及相片发布等功能。

sux0r is a ">blogging package, an RSS aggregator, a bookmark repository, and a photo publishing platform with a focus on Naive Bayesian categorization and probabilistic content. OpenID enabled (version 1.1); as both a consumer and a provider.

Naive Bayesian categorization is the ouija board of mathematics. Known for being good at filtering junk mail, the Naive Bayesian algorithm can categorize anything so long as there are coherent reference texts to work from. For example, categorizing documents in relation to a vector of political manifestos, or religious holy books, makes for a neat trick. More subjective magic 8-ball categories could be "good vs. bad", risk assessment, insurance claim fraud, whatever you want.

The main theme of this release is an upgraded technology stack. Smarty 3 templates and jQuery instead of Prototype. Check the changelogs for the minutia.

This release was done as part of Blitzweekend at the Notman House.

I first read about the event here. Blitzweekend is loosely organized around group coding sessions. Everyone sits in the same space and does, say, a 3 hour sprint. After the sprint the group takes a break to talk shop. Breaking the rules, like checking your email, social networking, or interrupting others, means putting a dollar in the shame jar. All in good fun of course.

For me it was very productive. I was able to QA, package, and launch sux0r 2.2.0. Montrealers looking for a reason to get together and hack? This is it.


时间: 2024-10-20 13:43:39

sux0r v2.2.0发布 博客系统支持RSS聚合书签管理等功能的相关文章

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