
Note 390635 - Change documents for production and process order




RSSCD100, RSSCD150, or RSSCD200





You cannot activate the creation of change documents for production orders and process orders.
Customizing table T399X (parameters dependent on order type) contains field FLG_DOC but you cannot maintain it using the Customizing transactions for production or process orders.

Other terms

Production order, process order

Reason and Prerequisites

It is not intended to use the SAP standard tool for the creation of change documents for production or process orders in the SAP standard system. The indicator in table T399X is only interpreted by maintenance orders and networks.
The reason for this is that the tool cannot determine dependencies of changes and thus would log too many changes that would have a negative effect on the runtime.

Example: A production order contains 10 operations and 1000 components

  • Case 1: You change the requirements quantity for a component manually.

           The system creates a change document for the changed component.

  • Case 2: You change the planned quantity in the order header manually.

           The change causes that the quantites are changed automatically for all operations and components. The system would create

    • a change document for the changed header quantity,
    • ten change documents for the automatically changed operation quantities (if defined) and
    • thousand change documents for automatically changed component quantities.


Use the SAP enhancement PPCO0007  that is processed when you save order changes. You can find the SAP enhancement in Customizing under the menu path "Shop Floor Control or Production Planning for Process Industries -> Process Order -> System Modifications -> Enhancements for Order Maintenance -> Enhancement when Saving an Order (Header Fields)".
Here you can define additional logic to decide whether or not the system creates change documents.
For this, you can access either the SAP standard tool for creating change documents or your own tool.

The call of the customer exit takes place in function module CO_ZV_ORDER_POST when you save. The current data of an order header is supplied via parameter HEADER_IMP. For collective orders the exit can be called several times - once for each order in the collective order.
Remember that a dialog box must not be accessed and a message must not be issued from the exit.

You can use the attached source code as a template for accessing the creation of change documents.
You can also see in the source code how the current and original data of the different order objects can be provided by internal tables.
The example source code uses function module ORDER_WRITE_DOCUMENT that logs - for the ORDER change document object - the changes for the tables transferred to the module.
It may be appropriate to define a separate object for change documents for orders, for example ZZORDER. If required, you can use the ORDER standard object as a template.
The following tables of the order may have to be taken into account for this type of change document object:
           Table       Description                        Production Process order

  • AFAB        Relationships                                        X
  • AFFH        Production resource/tool                  X
  • AFFL        Work order sequence                      X          X
  • AFFT        Process instructions                                X
  • AFFV        Process instruction values                          X
  • AFKO        Order header data PP                      X          X
  • AFPO        Order item                                X          X
  • AFVC        General operation                        X          X
  • AFVU        User-specific data operation              X          X
  • AFVV        Quantities/dates/values in the operation  X          X
  • AUFK        Order header general                      X          X
  • DRAD_PORDER Link: Document to order                   X
  • MLST        Trigger point                            X
  • RESB        Reservation                              X          X
  • RSDB        Index reservation/direct procurement      X          X

The creation of change documents using the SAP standard tool requires that the indicator for change document creation is set for the data element that defines the affected table field. For example, this indicator is not set for data element GAMNG (total order quantity) in the standard system which is the reason why changes to the planned order quantity of the order header are not logged. The reason for this is that the GAMNG field of the AFKO table is defined using data element GAMNG.

To be able to set the indicator for the creation of change documents without modifications and display change document data at a later stage, refer to Note 394887 (Enhancements for installing PH-ELR_100_46C) for Release 4.6C; as of Release 4.70 (SAP Enterprise), the Add-On is part of the R/3 standard system.
You can of course set the indicator for activating the creation of document changes manually for each data element using Transaction SE11, however, this changes the data element.
You can display the change documents using, for example, programs RSSCD100, RSSCD150, or RSSCD200. The display from the standard transactions of the order is not supported.
For Release 45B to 46B, you must also create function module CO_BR_AFFX_GET_TABLES_POST in function group COBR using Transaction SE37. Define the following TABLES parameters for the interface:
Parameter name        Type spec.      Reference type    Optional EXP_AFFT               LIKE            AFFTB
EXP_AFFV               LIKE            AFFVB

To be able to archive the generated change documents, you must implement the program modification from Note 508212 in your system.

This note provides an example implementation with which only the following changes can be logged.
- The priority in the order header changes
- The planned quantity of the components changes
- The planned batch of the components changes
- New components are added
- A component is deleted
If you want to log other actions, you must enhance the example implementation yourself.

Header Data

Release Status: Released for Customer
Released on: 2009.03.10  05:57:28
Master Language: German
Priority: Recommendations/additional info
Category: Consulting
Primary Component: PP-SFC Production Orders
Secondary Components: PP-PI-POR Process Order

时间: 2024-07-29 23:53:10



一.自定义表结构 二.生产工单出口增强 三.查询报表 一.自定义表结构 表ZPCO02 MANDT MANDT CLNT 3 0 客户端 AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 12 0 订单号 MATNR MATNR CHAR 18 0 物料号 FILED FIELDNAME CHAR 30 0 字段名 AENAM AENAM CHAR 12 0 对象更改人员的名称 LAEDA LAEDA DATS 8 0 上次更改的日期 TCODE TCODE CHAR 20 0 事务代码CHNID CDCHNG


加工单或车间订单是一种面向加工件说明物料需求计划的文件. 有点像手工管理中的发票,可以跨车间甚至厂际协作.加工单的格式同工艺路线报表很相似.它的表头和左侧各栏的信息取自工艺路线文件的基本信息,只是增加了订单号.需用日期.每道工序的开始日期和完成日期.加工单通常用于间歇式生产,以件/时为计划单位.对重复生产则要用到作业进度的单产率,即一个单位时间内生产的数量为计划单位.工作中心的最大单产率是达到满负荷时的产量,受能力限制. 但是,通常设定的单产率是一个比较理想的平均值,受操作人员数量 稳定要求的限

《CCNP TSHOOT 300-135认证考试指南》——6.5节SVI故障工单

6.5 SVI故障工单CCNP TSHOOT 300-135认证考试指南本节将给出与本章前面讨论过的主题相关的故障工单,目的是通过这些故障工单让读者真正了解现实世界或考试环境中的故障检测与排除流程.本节的所有故障工单都以图6-5所示的拓扑结构为例. 6.5.1 故障工单6-3故障问题:PC1无法访问PC2的资源. 首先验证该故障工单提到的故障问题.例6-19证实了PC1无法访问PC2的资源,这是因为ping测试失败. 接下来验证SW2在正确的接口上学到了PC1的MAC地址并且关联到正确的VLAN

《CCNP TSHOOT 300-135认证考试指南》——5.8节 EtherChannel故障工单

5.8 EtherChannel故障工单CCNP TSHOOT 300-135认证考试指南本节将给出与本章前面讨论过的主题相关的故障工单,目的是通过这些故障工单让读者真正了解现实世界或考试环境中的故障检测与排除流程.本节的所有故障工单都以图5-8所示的拓扑结构为例. 5.8.1 故障工单5-4故障问题:某初级网络管理员抱怨在SW1与SW2之间尝试建立EtherChannel绑定时没有成功,现在请求协助解决这个问题. 首先查看SW1和SW2的show etherchannel summary命令输

《CCNP TSHOOT 300-135认证考试指南》——5.6节STP故障工单

5.6 STP故障工单CCNP TSHOOT 300-135认证考试指南本节将给出与本章前面讨论过的主题相关的故障工单,目的是通过这些故障工单让读者真正了解现实世界或考试环境中的故障检测与排除流程.本节的所有故障工单都以图5-6所示的拓扑结构为例. 5.6.1 故障工单5-1故障问题:根据流量分析仪的分析结果,从VLAN 10中的端站发出且去往骨干网的流量应该流经SW1,但是却流经了SW2. 从拓扑结构可以看出,SW1应该是VLAN 10的根网桥,因而在正常情况下,VLAN 10 的所有流量都应


一个远洋电话,就决定采购一套系统? 北京时间PM 18:58,掌心宝贝技术总监刘登攀及其临时成立的选型团队,刚刚结束长达三个多小时的选型工作汇报会.此时,刘登攀接到一个来自美国的越洋电话,电话那端(美国时间AM 2:58)是掌心宝贝选型团队正在测试的某一家客服系统创始人,双方就客户服务模式的创新与业务应用进行了长达一个多小时的深入探讨. 这一通越洋电话,虽然让刘登攀印象深刻,但并非马上决定采购这样一套系统.掌心宝贝作为家园互动领域最被看好的平台,服务注册幼儿园数量近5万家,覆盖超过1000家代理


问题描述 工单成本差异分析中的总目标数量 解决方案 http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=3DUx-42uKGNDI6fdw0dEIARUR_xnJNCn1cLtddf2BwHGoAYHN0IHBmMDAXAdF3K5lH8I8IL3agMGhLXRY1xQT_

一般在什么情况下需开立RunCard 工单

问题描述 1.一般在什么情况下需开立RunCard工单2.RUNCARD工单与工艺流程的关系是什么?

域名解析商DNSPod工单系统上线 客户服务趋于专业智能化

中介交易 SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 随着市场竞争的激烈化,服务质量越来越多的成为企业发展的一大重要因素.对于想要完善服务的企业,工单系统不失为一个很好的客户服务方式.至2006年创建以来,DNSPod用户数量激增,为提高客户服务水平,阿D工单系统应运而生. 据WebHosting.info公布的最新数据显示,2013年1月份,国内域名服务商市场基本保持平稳.而域名解析服务商DNSPod,继续维持去年的强势增长势头,份额现已升至16.783%.目前,DNSPod已经拥有50多万用户,