演示示例 1.图片和放大使用不同的图片(大小图片要比例相同) 也可以指定放大倍数(相对于小图片计算) new imageZoom("img1",{ //mul:6,//指定放大的倍数 onShow:function() { document.title="show,you are moving on the image."; }, onHide:function() { document.title="you mouse move out the imag
iPop Demo This is a demo of the image popup script. I know you want to see it in action. Testing things with a small image. The popups have been setup with the AutoApply extension which will automatically apply iPop to all links to images within a do
技巧 如何让图片自动缩放以适合界面大小,拿出你的Editplus,打开c_function.asp文件,找到UBBCode函数,在第417行有如下语句 If Instr(strType,"[image]")>0 And ZC_UBB_IMAGE_ENABLE Then '[img] objRegExp.Pattern="(\[IMG=)([0-9]*),([0-9]*),(.*)(\])(.+?)(\[\/IMG\])" strContent=