KeePass 是一款管理密码的开源的免费软件,KeePass 将密码存储为一个数据库,而这个数据库由一个主密码或密码文件锁住,也就是说我们只需要记住一个主密码,或使用一个密码文件,就可以解开这个数据库,就可以获得其他的密码内容。不用担心安全,这个数据库采用当今非常安全的密码算法 AES 和 Twofish。
KeePass Password Safe 就是专门为了解决人类记不得众多密码的问题所产生的,它包含了一个强大的密码产生引擎与加密储存机能,能够提供一个安全的密码储存空间。当你开始使用 KeePass Password Safe 时,要先决定一个起始密码。此密码用来辨识你的身分,决定你是否可以使用 KeePass Password Safe 软件,因此千万不要忘了。启动后你就可以开始储存密码,在 KeePass Password Safe 软件中已经有一些预设的密码分类,你可以自己再根据需要建立自己喜欢的密码储存分类。
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).
·Added option to lock after some time of global user inactivity.
·Added option to lock when the remote control status changes.
·Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added special key code support (translation to X KeySyms) and support for {DELAY X} and {DELAY=X}.
·Added window activation support on Unix-like systems.
·Auto-type on Windows: added {VKEY X} special key code (sends virtual key X).
·Added support for importing DataVault 4.7 CSV files.
·Added support for importing Revelation 0.4 XML files.
·Added 'Auto-Type - Without ">Context' application policy to disable the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V), but still leave global auto-type available.
·Added option to collapse newly-created recycle bin tree nodes.
·Added 'Size' column in the history list of the entry dialog.
·Added trigger action to remove custom toolbar buttons.
·Added kdbx:// URL scheme overrides (for Windows and Unix-like systems; disabled by default).
·Added KeePass.exe.config file to redirect old assemblies to the latest one, and explicitly declare .NET 4.0 runtime support.
·Added documentation for the '-pw-enc' command line parameter, the {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder and URL overrides.
·Added workaround for ^/& .NET SendKeys issue.