Chapter 3:Code Style in Django

• Django coding style
• Using IDE for Django web development
• Django project structure
• Best practices—using version control
• Django rescue team (where to ask Django questions)
• Faster web development—using Twitter-Bootstrap

The Django project structure
$ startproject django_mytweets

Paste_Image.png This is utility script is used to manage our project. You can think of it as your project's version of Actually, both and share the same backend code. 参数说明:

  • DEFAULT_APPS: This parameter contains the default Django installedapplications (such as the admin)
  • THIRD_PARTY_APPS: This parameter contains other application likeSocialAuth used for social authentication
  • LOCAL_APPS: This parameter contains the applications that arecreated by you
Best practices - using version control

Let's take a look at the following commands and their uses(git常用命令):

  • $git add <file-name> or $git add: For adding all files to the staging area in bulk.
  • $git status: To know the status of your working directory, which files have been added, and which files have not been added.
  • $git diff: To get the status of what is modified and staged, or what is modified and has not been staged.
  • $ git commit -m: To commit the changes made, first you have to add them to the staging area; then, you have to commit them using this command.
  • $ git rm <file-name>: If you have mistakenly added any file to the staging area, you can remove it from the staging area by using this command.
  • $git stash: Git doesn't track the renamed files. In other words, if you have renamed already staged files, you will have to add them again to the staging and then commit. You can save the changes by not actually committing to the repository by using the following command.
  • $git stash apply: It takes all the current changes and saves it to the stack. Then, you can continue working with your changes. Once you are in a position to get your saved changes, you can do so using this command.


  • $git branch: To list an existing branch using Git, we need to use this command.


  • $git checkout -b <new-branch-name>: A new branch can be created in the existing repository using this command. We can see logically how it looks with the help of the following block diagram:


You will get a message informing you that you have switched to the new branch. If you want to switch back to the old branch, you can use the following command:

  • $git checkout <old-branch-name>: You will see the message Switched to branch <old-branch-name>.
  • $git merge <branch-name>: After the feature is complete, you can merge it to the branch of your choice using this command. This will merge the
    branch <branch-name> to your current branch. To sync the changes back to
    the <branch-name>, you can check out from your current branch to the
    branch <branch-name> and merge again. You can also mark the important points in your commit history by using tags.
  • After the commit, you can tag an important commit by using the $git tag-a v1.0 command.
  • To get new changes from the remote server, you can fetch the changes from Git using the $git fetch command.
  • To merge the changes directly to your current branch, you can use the $git pull command.
  • After you are done with your changes, you can commit and push them to the remote repository using the $git push command.


$ python3 runserver 8080
时间: 2024-10-03 20:18:27

Chapter 3:Code Style in Django的相关文章

样式表(CSS:Cascading Style Sheets)[中]

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css|教程|样式表 七.CSS1属性 3.1  font属性        字模.字体样式.字体大小.字体效果等.常用属性有: ① font-family:字模,Cursive.Fantasy.Comic Sans MS等. ② font-size:字体物理大小或相对大小,物理大小包括:xx-small.x-small.small.medium.large.x-large.xx-large分别对应1-7号字体. ③ font-style:是否斜体, normal.italic.oblique(

样式表(CSS:Cascading Style Sheets)简要教程[上]

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Code Style(代码的风格)

1.简介 2.什么是风格? 3.代码的风格为什么如此重要? 4.更少的工作,更多的文档? 5.推荐的代码风格 6.简单的文档 7.输出风格 8.结论 简介 让我们面对一下吧-如果您是一个资深的程序员,那么您总是在最后期限下工作并且您的最终目标是完成您设计的软件.如果您是个新手,您的努力是更多的研究.试验.当然还有错误和一心希望您的程序可以象打算的那样运行.不管怎样,当您的程序真的如愿以偿的运行时那种成功的感觉令人十分振奋,但更多的程序员发现能够用良好的风格生成程序内部代码时的那种自豪的感觉更棒.


这篇文章是对于CSS优先级的探讨,您是否能熟练使用了呢? css优先级的四大原则: 原则一: 继承不如指定 如果某样式是继承来的永远不如具体指定的优先级高. 例子1: CODE: <style type="text/css"> <!-- *{font-size:20px} .class3{ font-size: 12px; } --> </style> <span class="class3">我是多大字号?</