Python installation


Python & OS Support

pip works with CPython versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and also pypy.

pip works on Unix/Linux, OS X, and Windows.

pip included with Python

Python 2.7.9 and later (on the python2 series), and Python 3.4 and later include pip by default [1], so you may have pip already.

Install pip

To install pip, securely download[2]

Then run the following (which may require administrator access):


If setuptools is not already installed, will install setuptools for you. [3]

To upgrade an existing setuptools, run pip install -U setuptools.

Additionally, supports using the pip install options and the general options. Below are some examples:

Install from local copies of pip and setuptools:

python --no-index --find-links=/local/copies

Install to the user site [4]:

python --user

Install behind a proxy:

python --proxy="[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port"

(1)cd /d E:\pip-7.1.2
(2)python install


xlrd 0.9.4


Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files

Extract data from Excel spreadsheets (.xls and .xlsx, versions 2.0 onwards) on any platform. Pure Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.2+). Strong support for Excel dates. Unicode-aware.

(1)cd /d E:\xlrd-0.9.4
(2)python install

E:\xlrd-0.9.4>python install
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build\lib
creating build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd
copying xlrd\ -> build\lib\xlrd




时间: 2024-10-27 23:38:12

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