问题描述 android 如何使用imageIO类呢 引用jar包编译没错 运行就报错了 说找不到 部分代码 public static String getImagePixel(Bitmap bt) { setBitmap(bt); int R=0; int G=0; int B=0; List list=new ArrayList(); File files = new File("/mnt/sdcard/inncloudimage/req_images/Image.jpg");
问题描述 请问一下,ant里面怎么引用第三方jar包啊? 想帮测试弄个简单点的替换代码的方法的.结果就卡死了.忧郁~~ 报错提示如下: BUILD FAILED /home/noc/workspace/22/build.xml:39: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/noc/workspace/22/build.xml:23: Problem: failed to create task or type
问题描述 weblogic部署异常,weblogic.management.DeploymentException <Failed to initialize the application 'bea_wls9_async_response' due to error weblogic.management.DeploymentException: Error encountered during prepare phase of deploying WebService module 'bea