
There are many ways to control brightness. According to this discussion[1] and this wiki page [2], the control method could be divided into these categories:

brightness is controlled by vendor specified hotkey. And there is no interface for OS to adjust brightness.
brightness is controlled by OS:

brightness could be controlled by ACPI
brightness could be controlled by graphic driver.
All methods expose themselves to the user by /sys/class/brightness. And xrandr/xbacklight could use this folder and choose one method to control brightness. But it is still not very clear which one xbacklight prefers by default. See FS#27677 for xbacklight, if you get "No outputs have backlight property." There is a temporary fix if xrandr/xbacklight does not choose the right directory in /sys/class/brightness: You can specify the one you want in xorg.conf by setting the "Backlight" option of the Device section to the name of that directory
brightness is controlled by HW register throught setpci

ACPIIt is often possible to adjust the backlight by ACPI. This controls the actual LEDs or cathodes of the screen. When this ACPI option is available, the illumination is controllable using a GUI slider in the Display/Screen system settings or by simple commands on the CLI.

Different cards might manage this differently. Check /sys/class/backlight to find out:

# ls /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight
So this particular backlight is managed by an Intel card. It is called acpi_video0 on an ATI card. In the following example, acpi_video0 is used.

The directory contains the following files and folders:

actual_brightness brightness max_brightness subsystem/ uevent
bl_power device/ power/ type
The maximum brightness (often 15) can be found by running cat:

# cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness
Brightness can then be set (as root) with echo. Obviously you cannot go any higher than your screen's maximum brightness. The values for maximum brightness and brightness in general vary wildly among cards.

# echo 5 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
Sometimes ACPI does not work well due to different motherboard implementations and ACPI quirks. This include some models with dual graphics (e.g. Nvidia-optimus/Radeon with intel (i915)) and some examples with this problem in notebooks such as Dell Studio, Dell XPS 14/15/17 and some Lenovo series, Kamal Mostafa kernel developer make patches for solved this issue included after 3.1 kernel version. You can try adding the following kernel parameters in your bootloader(grub, syslinux...) to adjust ACPI model:

acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor

acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=legacy
acpi_backlight=vendor will prefer vendor specific driver (e.g. thinkpad_acpi, sony_acpi, etc.) instead of the ACPI video.ko driver.

看了这个之后,很显然,问题就在于 acpi_backlight=vendor will prefer vendor specific driver (e.g. thinkpad_acpi, sony_acpi, etc.) instead of the ACPI video.ko driver.
所以我们只要sudo nano /etc/default/grub,
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="“改为GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor"重启即可,注意大小写Linux的L为大写。
然后sudo update-grub && sudo reboot

时间: 2024-10-06 01:29:06



  今天有个朋友和我抱怨一件事情,说是刚买了一台电脑,而且高配置哦,本来是开心的事情,但是打开发现,是win8系统的,以前一直习惯于用win7的系统,很多功能和操作完全不同,所以现在郁闷了,特别是电脑屏幕也不会调节,问我该怎么办?小编也是醉了,虽说win7和win8中又不是操作是不一样的,但是实质的原理还是一样的,今天小编就来教教这位朋友怎么调节电脑屏幕吧!有需要的朋友也可以一起跟着学. win8屏幕亮度无法调节的解决方法如下: 1.同时按下win+r打开电脑的运行窗口,然后在窗口中输入rege


  原因分析: 该问题可能是注册表中存在错误的键值导致的. 终极解决方法: 提示:修改注册表有风险,请慎重操作. 1.按Win+R键,输入Regedt32.exe,按回车,打开注册表编辑器; 2.找到以下键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE--SYSTEM--CurrentControlSet--Control--Class--{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 3.在右面的框里找到并删除UpperFilters和LowerFilters(如下图


Windows和Ubuntu时间不一致问题的解决方法: 我们在切换操作系统的时候会发现一个问题, Windows 和 Ubuntu的时间会出现不一致的情况.在 Windows 中把时间设置正确了过后,回到在 Ubuntu 后系统的时间又不一样了,在 Ubuntu中把时间设置正确后进入 Windows 后,时间又不一致了. 出现这种情况的原因是 Windows 和 Ubuntu它们在默认情况下看待硬件时间(主板上的BOIS显示的时间)的方式不一样. 知道了问题存在的原因,我们就来解决这个问题. 这


症状:在Ubuntu9.10中,Eclipse很多按钮用鼠标点击失效,必须用键盘操作. 解决方法: gedit ~/.bashrc 在文件末尾加入:export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 问题解决. 或者export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1,在每次启动前运行一下,也可以在.profile中加入改环境变量.

Zend Studio7中文乱码的终极解决方法

上一篇我介绍了PHP开发工具Zend Studio7入门使用教程,在使用过程中当我们新建(导入)的项目本身的编码是UTF8时,比如Wordpress,我们发现当使用zend studio打开PHP项目文件调试时变量等会出现中文乱码的问题,亦或者当你使用zend studio新建一个UTF8编码的PHP文件,打开时也会出现中文变成乱码的问题,这是由于zend studio的默认字符编码使用的是GBK造成的,那么zend studio中文乱码问题如何解决呢? 针对整个PHP项目调试或单个PHP文件使

Windows 7掉线的终极解决方法

首先,你如果以前是XP,现在改装Windows 7,出现了掉线的现象,那么 第一步,重新下载并更新你的网卡驱动,如果是品牌机,去厂商官网下载. 第二步,关掉IPv6. 另外有些同学说会遇到dns无响应的问题,特别在此列出Win7 路由上网DNS服务器无响应问题的解决方案: 一.问题症状产生的四个说法 说法一: 1.首先可以开始-运行 输入CMD, 然后输入 ping 如果ping通说明TCP/IP协议没有问题 ping不通请重装TCP/IP协议 2.然后ping自己的默认网关


首先,你如果以前是XP,现在改装Windows 7,出现了掉线的现象,那么-- 第一步,重新下载并更新你的网卡驱动,如果是品牌机,去厂商官网下载. 第二步,关掉IPv6. 另外有些同学说会遇到dns无响应的问题,特别在此列出Win7 路由上网DNS服务器无响应问题的解决方案: 一.问题症状产生的四个说法 说法一: 1.首先可以开始-运行 输入CMD, 然后输入 ping 如果ping通说明TCP/IP协议没有问题 ping不通请重装TCP/IP协议 2.然后ping自己的默认


初入linux的程序员们,经常会受到乱码的问候.可谓"始乱终弃".因为乱码,并且最终放弃了linux的不在少数.好吧,言归正传,先看看各类乱码是怎么形成的. 中文字符乱码 这种情况一般是安装了中文控制端,但没有启用中文应用造成的.只需要启动相应软件即可,如zhcon.或者是启用了相应软件,但字符集不对,需设置相应字符集,例如export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 ORACLE安装界面乱码 虽说ORACLE支持多国语言,会根据环境变量自动选择字符集,但中文安装好像还有问题,不过1


初入linux的程序员们,经常会受到乱码的问候.可谓"始乱终弃".因为乱码,并且最终放弃了linux的不在少数.好吧,言归正传,下面来看一下linux乱码的具体解决办法吧. 方法一: 修改/root/.bash_profile文件,增加export LANG=zh_CN.GB18030 该文件在用户目录下,对于其他用户,也必须相应修改该文件. 使用该方法时putty能显示中文,但桌面系统是英文,而且所有的网页中文显示还是乱码 方法二: 修改/etc/sysconfig/i18n文件