
Long Long Message

Time Limit: 4000MS
Memory Limit: 131072K

Total Submissions: 20935
Accepted: 8622

Case Time Limit: 1000MS


The little cat is majoring in physics in the capital of Byterland. A piece of sad news comes to him these days: his mother is getting ill. Being worried about spending so much on railway tickets (Byterland is such a big country, and he has to spend 16 shours
on train to his hometown), he decided only to send SMS with his mother. 

The little cat lives in an unrich family, so he frequently comes to the mobile service center, to check how much money he has spent on SMS. Yesterday, the computer of service center was broken, and printed two very long messages. The brilliant little cat soon
found out: 

1. All characters in messages are lowercase Latin letters, without punctuations and spaces. 
2. All SMS has been appended to each other – (i+1)-th SMS comes directly after the i-th one – that is why those two messages are quite long. 
3. His own SMS has been appended together, but possibly a great many redundancy characters appear leftwards and rightwards due to the broken computer. 
E.g: if his SMS is “motheriloveyou”, either long message printed by that machine, would possibly be one of “hahamotheriloveyou”, “motheriloveyoureally”, “motheriloveyouornot”, “bbbmotheriloveyouaaa”, etc. 
4. For these broken issues, the little cat has printed his original text twice (so there appears two very long messages). Even though the original text remains the same in two printed messages, the redundancy characters on both sides would be possibly different. 

You are given those two very long messages, and you have to output the length of the longest possible original text written by the little cat. 

The SMS in Byterland mobile service are charging in dollars-per-byte. That is why the little cat is worrying about how long could the longest original text be. 

Why ask you to write a program? There are four resions: 
1. The little cat is so busy these days with physics lessons; 
2. The little cat wants to keep what he said to his mother seceret; 
3. POJ is such a great Online Judge; 
4. The little cat wants to earn some money from POJ, and try to persuade his mother to see the doctor :( 


Two strings with lowercase letters on two of the input lines individually. Number of characters in each one will never exceed 100000.


A single line with a single integer number – what is the maximum length of the original text written by the little cat.

Sample Input


Sample Output


大意: 求两个字符串的最长公共子串长度。


时间: 2024-09-09 00:30:02


LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) 字符串最长公共子串算法

LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) 算法用于找出两个字符串最长公共子串. 算法原理: (1) 将两个字符串分别以行和列组成矩阵.(2) 计算每个节点行列字符是否相同,如相同则为 1.(3) 通过找出值为 1 的最长对角线即可得到最长公共子串. 人 民 共 和 时 代中 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0华 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0人 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0民 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0共 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0和 0, 0, 0, 1


一.需求描述 输入两个字符串,编写程序获取这两个字符串的第一个最长公共子串. 例如,输入的字符串为"abcdef"和"fecdba",那么这两个字符串的第一个最长公共子串为"cd".   二.算法设计 我们可以首先寻找两个字符串中的第一个相等的字符,然后分别向后移动来比较对应位置的字符是否相等. 即如果字符串1为"1234abcd",字符串2为"abd",那么首先发现字符串1中的第五个字符"a&q


本文实例讲述了java实现求两个字符串最长公共子串的方法.分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 这个是华为OJ上的一道题目.首先,如果我们用java写代码,华为OJ有以下三条规则需遵守,否则编译无法通过或者用例无法通过,规则如下: (1)一定不可以有包名: (2)主类名只能为Main: (3)不可以输出与结果无关的信息. 好了,按照以上规则,我们写出来的代码如下(此代码不是最优的,只是用来记录华为OJ上java代码的书写规则): import java.util.Scanner; public cl

利用C++实现最长公共子序列与最长公共子串_C 语言

一.问题描述 子串应该比较好理解,至于什么是子序列,这里给出一个例子:有两个母串 cnblogs belong 比如序列bo, bg, lg在母串cnblogs与belong中都出现过并且出现顺序与母串保持一致,我们将其称为公共子序列.最长公共子序列(Longest Common Subsequence, LCS),顾名思义,是指在所有的子序列中最长的那一个.子串是要求更严格的一种子序列,要求在母串中连续地出现.在上述例子的中,最长公共子序列为blog(cnblogs, belong),最长公共


本文实例讲述了Python最长公共子串算法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: #!/usr/bin/env python # find an LCS (Longest Common Subsequence). # *public domain* def find_lcs_len(s1, s2): m = [ [ 0 for x in s2 ] for y in s1 ] for p1 in range(len(s1)): for p2 in range(len(s2)): if s1[p1] =

深入解析最长公共子串_C 语言

题目:如果字符串一的所有字符按其在字符串中的顺序出现在另外一个字符串二中,则字符串一称之为字符串二的子串.注意,并不要求子串(字符串一)的字符必须连续出现在字符串二中.请编写一个函数,输入两个字符串,求它们的最长公共子串,并打印出最长公共子串.例如:输入两个字符串BDCABA和ABCBDAB,字符串BCBA和BDAB都是是它们的最长公共子串,则输出它们的长度4,并打印任意一个子串. 分析:求最长公共子串(Longest Common Subsequence, LCS)是一道非常经典的动态规划题,


本文实例讲述了JavaScript自定义函数实现查找两个字符串最长公共子串的方法.分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: //查找两个字符串的最长公共子串 function findSubStr(s1,s2){ var S=sstr= "" ,L1=s1.length,L2=s2.length; if (L1>L2){ var s3=s1;s1=s2,s2=s3,L1=s2.length;} for ( var j=L1;j> 0 ;j--) for ( var i= 0 ;i&


什么是最长公共子序列呢?举个简单的例子吧,一个数列S,若分别是两个或多个已知序列的子序列,且是所有符合条件序列中最长的,则S称为已知序列的最长公共子序列. 举例如下,如:有两个随机数列,1 2 3 4 5 6 和 3 4 5 8 9,则它们的最长公共子序列便是:3 4 5. 之前一直不明白:最长公共子串和最长公共子序列的区别. 最长公共子串(Longest Common Substirng)和最长公共子序列(Longest Common Subsequence,LCS)的区别为:子串是串的一个连

C语言求两个字符串的最长公共子串_C 语言

本文实例讲述了C语言求两个字符串的最长公共子串的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体实现方法如下: #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdlib.h" void getCommon(char str1[],char str2[],char * str3); int stringLength(char * str); void main(){ char str1[50]; char st