WM Define Storage Bin Structure定义仓位结构(七)

Define Storage Bin Structure定义仓位结构

In the Warehouse Management system, you can create a sequence of similar storage bins automatically.
Example for setting up similar storage bins

Define the parameters required for creating storage bins in the table "Storage Bin Structures".
In this table, you must also define which warehouse master data (for example, storage section, fire-

containment section, and so on) you want to create when you generate the structures.

1. Create your storage bin structures in the detail screen.
2. From the menu bar (detail screen), select: "Environment --> Create bins" to generate your storage bins.

在菜单,环境--> 建立BIN就可以生成BIN了.

This function can also be found in the application menu (menu option "Master data").

时间: 2024-07-29 19:15:14

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