TinyMCE v3.4.2发布 基于浏览器所见即所得编辑器

TinyMCE是一个轻量级的基于浏览器的所见即所得编辑器,由JavaScript写成。它对IE6+和Firefox1.5+都有着非常良好的支持。功能方面虽然不能称得上是最强,但绝对能够满足大部分网站的需求,并且功能配置灵活简单。另一特点是加载速度非常快,如果你的服务器采用的脚本语言是PHP,那还可以进一步优化。最重要的是,TinyMCE是一个根据LGPL license发布的自由软件,你可以把它用于商业应用。

TinyMCE v3.4.2发行说明:

Added new 'paste_text_sticky_default' option to paste plugin, enables you to set the default state for paste as plain text.
Added new autoresize_bottom_margin option to autoresize plugin that enables you to add an extra margin at the bottom. Patch contributed by Andrew Ozz.
Rewritten the fullpage plugin to handle style contents better and have a more normalized behavior across browsers.
Fixed bug where contents inserted with mceInsertContent wasn't parsed using the default dom parser.
Fixed bug where blocks containing a single anchor element would be treated as empty.
Fixed bug where merging of table cells on IE 6, 7 wouldn't look correctly until the contents was refreshed.
Fixed bug where context menu wouldn't work properly on Safari since it was passing out the ctrl key as pressed.
Fixed bug where image border color/style values were overwritten by advimage plugin.
Fixed bug where setting border in advimage plugin would throw error in IE.
Fixed bug where empty anchors list in link settings wasn't hidden.
Fixed bug where xhtmlextras popups were missing localized popup-size parameters.
Fixed bug where the context menu wouldn't select images on WebKit browsers.
Fixed bug where paste plugin wouldn't properly extract the contents on WebKit due to recent changes in browser behavior.
Fixed bug where focus of the editor would get on control contents on IE lost due to a bug in the ColorSplitButton control.
Fixed bug where contextmenu wasn't disabled on noneditable elements.
Fixed bug where getStyle function would trigger error when called on element without style property.
Fixed bug where editor fail to load if Javascript Compressor was used.
Fixed bug where list-style-type=lower-greek would produce errors in IE<8.
Fixed bug where spellchecker plugin would produce errors on IE6-7.
Fixed bug where theme_advanced_containers configuration option causes error.
Fixed bug where the mceReplaceContent command would produce an error since it didn't correctly handle a return value.
Fixed bug where you couldn't enter float point values for em in dialog input fields since it wouldn't be considered a valid size.
Fixed bug in xhtmlxtras plugin where it wasn't possible to remove some attributes in the attributes dialog.


TinyMCE 3.4.2 Contains all you need for production usage. Download

TinyMCE 3.4.2 jQuery package Contains special jQuery build of TinyMCE and a jQuery integration plugin. Download

TinyMCE 3.4.2 development package This package contains development tools and full source code. Download

时间: 2024-08-01 11:18:04

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