SymPy 0.7.0发布 Python代数计算库

SymPy是一个象征性的操作方案,纯Python写的。其目的是要成为一个全功能的Python代数计算库,同时保持为代码尽可能简单,以便理解和容易扩展。目前,Sympy目前只有1600的代码(包括注释行),其功能包括基本的算术,基本简化,一系列扩大,功能(exp, ln, sin, cos, tan, 等),分化,整合(目前只能做很简单的积分),基本替代,任意精度的整数和有理数,标准(Python)的浮点,基本复杂的数字和符号的限制。

SymPy 0.7.0更新日志:

This will be the last release of SymPy to support Python 2.4. Dropping support for Python 2.4 will let us move forward with things like supporting Python 3, and will let us use things that were introduced in Python 2.5, like with-statement context managers. no longer support creating matrices without brackets (see: issue 930) Re">named sum() to summation() (see: 3e76
3a8, issues 1376, 1727). This was changed so that it no longer overrides the built-in sum(). The unevaluated summation is still called Sum(). Renamed abs() to Abs() (see: 64a12a4, issue 1727). This was also changed so that it no longer overrides the built-in abs(). Note that because of __abs__ magic, you can still do abs(expr) with the built-in abs(), and it will return Abs(expr). Renamed max_() and min_() to now Max() and Min() (see: 99a271e, issue 2153) Changed behaviour of symbols(). symbols('xyz') gives now a single symbol ('xyz'), not three ('x', 'y' and 'z') (see: f6452a8). Use symbols('x,y,z') or symbols('x y z') to get three symbols. The '
each_char' option will still work but is being deprecated. Split class Basic into new classes Expr, Boolean (see: a0ab479, 635d89c). Classes that are designed to be part of standard symbolic expressions (like x**2*sin(x)) should subclass from Expr. More generic objects that do not work in symbolic expressions but still want the basic SymPy structure like .args and basic methods like .subs() should only subclass from Basic. as_basic() method was renamed to as_expr() to reflect changes in the core (see: e61819d, 80dfe91) Methods as_coeff_terms and as_coeff_factors were renamed to as_coeff_mul and as_coeff_add, respectively. Removed the trim()
function. The function is redundant with the new polys (see below). Use the cancel() function instead.



时间: 2024-07-29 04:49:32

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