PostgreSQL 10 内置分区 vs pg_pathman


PostgreSQL , 内置分区 , pg_pathman , perf , 性能 , 锁


PostgreSQL 10内置分区的性能不如pg_pathman分区插件的性能。有非常大的优化空间,那么是什么导致了分区的性能问题呢?

编译PostgreSQL 10.0


CFLAGS="-g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" ./configure --prefix=/home/digoal/pgsql10.0
CFLAGS="-g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make world -j 128
CFLAGS="-g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer" make install-world


initdb -D $PGDATA -U postgres -E SQL_ASCII --locale=C


listen_addresses = ''
port = 1921
max_connections = 400
superuser_reserved_connections = 3
unix_socket_directories = '.'
shared_buffers = 128GB
work_mem = 1024MB
maintenance_work_mem = 4GB
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix
vacuum_cost_delay = 0
bgwriter_delay = 10ms
bgwriter_flush_after = 0
max_worker_processes = 128
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0
max_parallel_workers = 128
wal_level = minimal
synchronous_commit = off
full_page_writes = off
wal_buffers = 1GB
wal_writer_delay = 10ms
wal_writer_flush_after = 0
checkpoint_timeout = 55min
max_wal_size = 128GB
min_wal_size = 80MB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.01
checkpoint_flush_after = 0
max_wal_senders = 0
parallel_tuple_cost = 0
parallel_setup_cost = 0
min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0
min_parallel_index_scan_size = 0
effective_cache_size = 400GB
log_destination = 'csvlog'
logging_collector = on
log_truncate_on_rotation = on
log_timezone = 'PRC'
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
timezone = 'PRC'
lc_messages = 'C'
lc_monetary = 'C'
lc_numeric = 'C'
lc_time = 'C'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'


1. range 分区表

1.1 主表

create table t_range(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp) partition by range (id);

1.2 分区

do language plpgsql $$
  i int;
  for i in 0..127 loop
    execute 'create table t_range_'||i||' partition of t_range for values from ('||i*100||') to ('||(i+1)*100||')';
  end loop;

2. list 分区表

2.1 主表

create table t_list(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp) partition by list ( mod(hashtext(info), 128) );

2.2 分区

do language plpgsql $$
  i int;
  for i in 0..127 loop
    execute 'create table t_list_'||i||' partition of t_list for values in ('||i||')';
  end loop;



vi test1.sql      

\set id random(0,12799)
insert into t_range values (:id, 'test', now());


vi test2.sql      

\set id random(0,127)
insert into t_list values (:id, 'test', now());


pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test1.sql -c 64 -j 64 -T 12800      

pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test2.sql -c 64 -j 64 -T 12800
progress: 14.0 s, 21361.0 tps, lat 2.996 ms stddev 0.848
progress: 15.0 s, 21302.0 tps, lat 3.004 ms stddev 0.868
progress: 16.0 s, 21349.0 tps, lat 2.998 ms stddev 0.852
progress: 17.0 s, 21366.9 tps, lat 2.996 ms stddev 0.858
progress: 18.0 s, 21346.0 tps, lat 2.998 ms stddev 0.856


perf record -ag



perf report -g


Samples: 1M of event 'cycles', Event count (approx.): 662397686992
  Children      Self  Command          Shared Object              Symbol
+   88.63%     0.00%  postgres               [.] __libc_start_main
+   88.63%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] startup_hacks
+   88.63%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PostmasterMain
+   88.49%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ServerLoop
+   88.49%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] BackendStartup
+   88.47%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExitPostmaster
+   88.42%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PostgresMain
+   74.92%     0.02%  postgres         postgres                   [.] exec_execute_message
+   74.77%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PortalRun
+   74.75%     0.02%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PortalRunMulti
+   74.57%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ProcessQuery
+   71.56%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecutorStart
+   71.54%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] standard_ExecutorStart
+   71.46%     0.02%  postgres         postgres                   [.] InitPlan
+   71.26%     0.02%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecInitNode
+   71.23%     0.05%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecInitModifyTable
+   70.34%     0.23%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting
+   45.89%     0.23%  postgres         postgres                   [.] find_all_inheritors
+   42.42%     0.28%  postgres         postgres                   [.] find_inheritance_children
+   23.59%     0.08%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LockRelationOid
+   23.33%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LockAcquire
+   22.88%     0.79%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LockAcquireExtended
+   12.59%     1.07%  postgres         postgres                   [.] InitResultRelInfo
+   12.10%     0.26%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LWLockAcquire
+   11.50%     0.08%  postgres         postgres                   [.] RelationGetPartitionQual
+   10.99%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] CommitTransaction
+   10.89%     1.14%  postgres         postgres                   [.] _copyList
+   10.58%     0.05%  postgres         postgres                   [.] systable_getnext
+   10.51%     0.05%  postgres         postgres                   [.] index_getnext
+   10.50%     6.88%  postgres         postgres                   [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
+   10.35%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ResourceOwnerRelease
+   10.34%     0.03%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ResourceOwnerReleaseInternal
+   10.29%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ProcReleaseLocks
+   10.22%     1.84%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LockReleaseAll
+    9.46%     0.52%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LWLockRelease
+    9.00%     0.21%  postgres         postgres                   [.] index_fetch_heap
+    8.60%     0.01%  postgres         [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] system_call_fastpath
+    8.34%     0.23%  postgres         postgres                   [.] SearchSysCache
+    7.98%     0.27%  swapper          [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] cpu_startup_entry
+    7.86%     0.00%  swapper          [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] start_secondary
+    7.73%     0.04%  postgres         [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] sys_futex
+    7.68%     0.05%  postgres         [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] do_futex
+    7.43%     5.59%  postgres         postgres                   [.] AllocSetAlloc
+    7.27%     3.52%  postgres         postgres                   [.] SearchCatCache
+    7.03%     0.22%  postgres         postgres                   [.] _copyOpExpr
+    6.15%     0.36%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LWLockWakeup
+    5.93%     0.38%  postgres         postgres                   [.] RelationGetPartitionDispatchInfo
+    5.62%     0.14%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LockBuffer
+    5.50%     0.28%  postgres         postgres                   [.] hash_search


perf report --stdio -g


    45.89%     0.23%  postgres         postgres                   [.] find_all_inheritors
                      |--99.99%-- ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting
                      |          ExecInitModifyTable      

    42.42%     0.28%  postgres         postgres                   [.] find_inheritance_children
                      |--99.97%-- find_all_inheritors
                      |          ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting
                      |          ExecInitModifyTable
                      |          ExecInitNode      

    23.59%     0.08%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LockRelationOid
                      |--98.67%-- find_inheritance_children
                      |          find_all_inheritors
                      |          ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting
                      |          ExecInitModifyTable      

    23.33%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LockAcquire
                      |--98.59%-- LockRelationOid
                      |          |
                      |          |--98.82%-- find_inheritance_children
                      |          |          find_all_inheritors
                      |          |          ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting
                      |          |          ExecInitModifyTable
                      |          |          ExecInitNode      

    11.50%     0.08%  postgres         postgres                   [.] RelationGetPartitionQual
                      |--99.75%-- InitResultRelInfo
                      |          |
                      |          |--99.99%-- ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting
                      |          |          ExecInitModifyTable
                      |          |          ExecInitNode
                      |          |          InitPlan
                      |          |          standard_ExecutorStart
                      |          |          ExecutorStart      

    11.42%     0.07%  postgres         postgres                   [.] generate_partition_qual
                      |--99.90%-- RelationGetPartitionQual
                      |          InitResultRelInfo
                      |          ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting
                      |          ExecInitModifyTable
                      |          ExecInitNode
                      |          InitPlan
                      |          standard_ExecutorStart
                      |          ExecutorStart

pg_pathman perf profiling

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_pathman;

postgres=# create table tbl_range(id int not null, info text, crt_time timestamp);

postgres=# select create_range_partitions('tbl_range', 'id', 0, 100, 128);
(1 row)

压测,pg_pathman 是native partition 的10几倍性能。

progress: 11.0 s, 262159.5 tps, lat 0.244 ms stddev 0.135
progress: 12.0 s, 260462.8 tps, lat 0.246 ms stddev 0.124
progress: 13.0 s, 259761.5 tps, lat 0.246 ms stddev 0.130
progress: 14.0 s, 271007.1 tps, lat 0.236 ms stddev 0.118


perf report -g    

Samples: 1M of event 'cycles', Event count (approx.): 529675912799
  Children      Self  Command          Shared Object              Symbol
+   78.90%     0.00%  postgres               [.] __libc_start_main
+   78.90%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] startup_hacks
+   78.90%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PostmasterMain
+   78.00%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ServerLoop
+   78.00%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] BackendStartup
+   78.00%     0.00%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExitPostmaster
+   77.72%     0.24%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PostgresMain
+   48.13%     0.13%  postgres         postgres                   [.] exec_execute_message
+   47.16%     0.07%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PortalRun
+   47.03%     0.11%  postgres         postgres                   [.] PortalRunMulti
+   44.80%     0.07%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ProcessQuery
+   29.89%     0.01%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecutorRun
+   29.87%     0.06%  postgres         postgres                   [.] standard_ExecutorRun
+   29.78%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecutePlan
+   29.51%     0.03%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecProcNode
+   29.47%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecProcNodeFirst
+   29.41%     0.14%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecModifyTable
+   20.70%     0.13%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecInsert
+   12.84%     0.02%  postgres         postgres                   [.] finish_xact_command
+   12.80%     0.05%  postgres         postgres                   [.] CommitTransactionCommand
+   12.21%     0.08%  postgres         postgres                   [.] CommitTransaction
+   12.19%     0.05%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecutorStart
+   12.09%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] standard_ExecutorStart
+   11.57%     0.11%  postgres         postgres                   [.] InitPlan
+   10.91%     0.10%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecConstraints
+   10.75%     0.07%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecRelCheck
+   10.19%     0.16%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecInitNode
+   10.04%     0.25%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecInitModifyTable
+   10.03%     0.01%  postgres         [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] system_call_fastpath
+    9.07%     0.11%  postgres         postgres                   [.] heap_insert
+    8.82%     0.11%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecInitCustomScan
+    8.46%     0.22%  postgres         postgres                   [.] exec_bind_message
+    8.32%     0.03%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecProcNode
+    8.27%     0.06%  postgres         postgres                   [.] ExecCustomScan
+    8.14%     0.09%  postgres              [.] partition_filter_exec
+    7.07%     0.25%  swapper          [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] cpu_startup_entry
+    6.99%     0.00%  swapper          [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] start_secondary
+    6.45%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] stringToNode
+    6.45%     0.04%  postgres              [.] select_partition_for_insert
+    6.40%     0.16%  postgres         postgres                   [.] nodeRead
+    6.15%     0.21%  postgres         postgres                   [.] parseNodeString
+    6.02%     0.00%  pgbench         [.] start_thread
+    5.98%     0.04%  postgres         postgres                   [.] _readBoolExpr
+    5.92%     0.05%  postgres              [.] partition_filter_begin
+    5.21%     0.08%  postgres         postgres                   [.] _readOpExpr
+    4.77%     0.05%  postgres         postgres                   [.] XLogInsert
+    4.74%     0.05%  postgres         [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] sys_futex
+    4.68%     0.06%  postgres         [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] do_futex
+    4.64%     0.24%  postgres         postgres                   [.] LWLockAcquire
+    4.42%     4.38%  postgres         postgres                   [.] pg_strtok
+    4.34%     0.10%  postgres         postgres                   [.] XLogInsertRecord
+    4.22%     0.01%  pgbench          [kernel.kallsyms]          [k] system_call_fastpath
+    4.10%     0.08%  postgres         postgres                   [.] RecordTransactionCommit
perf report --stdio -g


从现象看,PG 10 native partition应该是find_all_inheritors效率问题,relation锁时间过长。性能只有pg_pathman的十几分之一。

native partition 的罪魁祸首:

 * find_all_inheritors -
 *              Returns a list of relation OIDs including the given rel plus
 *              all relations that inherit from it, directly or indirectly.
 *              Optionally, it also returns the number of parents found for
 *              each such relation within the inheritance tree rooted at the
 *              given rel.
 * The specified lock type is acquired on all child relations (but not on the
 * given rel; caller should already have locked it).  If lockmode is NoLock
 * then no locks are acquired, but caller must beware of race conditions
 * against possible DROPs of child relations.
List *
find_all_inheritors(Oid parentrelId, LOCKMODE lockmode, List **numparents)
        /* hash table for O(1) rel_oid -> rel_numparents cell lookup */
        HTAB       *seen_rels;
        HASHCTL         ctl;
        List       *rels_list,
        ListCell   *l;      

        memset(&ctl, 0, sizeof(ctl));
        ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
        ctl.entrysize = sizeof(SeenRelsEntry);
        ctl.hcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;      

        seen_rels = hash_create("find_all_inheritors temporary table",
                                                        32, /* start small and extend */
                                                        HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS | HASH_CONTEXT);      

         * We build a list starting with the given rel and adding all direct and
         * indirect children.  We can use a single list as both the record of
         * already-found rels and the agenda of rels yet to be scanned for more
         * children.  This is a bit tricky but works because the foreach() macro
         * doesn't fetch the next list element until the bottom of the loop.
        rels_list = list_make1_oid(parentrelId);
        rel_numparents = list_make1_int(0);      

        foreach(l, rels_list)
                Oid                     currentrel = lfirst_oid(l);
                List       *currentchildren;
                ListCell   *lc;      

                /* Get the direct children of this rel */
                currentchildren = find_inheritance_children(currentrel, lockmode);      

                 * Add to the queue only those children not already seen. This avoids
                 * making duplicate entries in case of multiple inheritance paths from
                 * the same parent.  (It'll also keep us from getting into an infinite
                 * loop, though theoretically there can't be any cycles in the
                 * inheritance graph anyway.)
                foreach(lc, currentchildren)
                        Oid                     child_oid = lfirst_oid(lc);
                        bool            found;
                        SeenRelsEntry *hash_entry;      

                        hash_entry = hash_search(seen_rels, &child_oid, HASH_ENTER, &found);
                        if (found)
                                /* if the rel is already there, bump number-of-parents counter */
                                /* if it's not there, add it. expect 1 parent, initially. */
                                rels_list = lappend_oid(rels_list, child_oid);
                                rel_numparents = lappend_int(rel_numparents, 1);
                                hash_entry->numparents_cell = rel_numparents->tail;

        if (numparents)
                *numparents = rel_numparents;


        return rels_list;

native partition的执行计划:

postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) insert into t_range values (1);
                                              QUERY PLAN
 Insert on public.t_range  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=0.060..0.060 rows=0 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared read=2 dirtied=1
   ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1)
         Output: 1, NULL::text, NULL::timestamp without time zone
 Planning time: 0.036 ms
 Execution time: 6.330 ms
(6 rows)


postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) insert into tbl_range values (1);
                                                    QUERY PLAN
 Insert on public.tbl_range  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=0.214..0.214 rows=0 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=19
   ->  Custom Scan (PartitionFilter)  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=0.067..0.068 rows=1 loops=1)
         Output: id, info, crt_time
         Buffers: shared hit=8
         ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1)
               Output: 1, NULL::text, NULL::timestamp without time zone
 Planning time: 5.177 ms
 Execution time: 0.287 ms
(9 rows)


《PostgreSQL 10.0 preview 功能增强 - 内置分区表》

《Linux 性能诊断 perf使用指南》

《[未完待续] PostgreSQL sharding 套件(pg_pathman, postgres_fdw, logical replication)》

《PostgreSQL 9.5+ 高效分区表实现 - pg_pathman》

《pg_pathman extension for postgresql partitioning》

时间: 2025-01-31 10:46:05

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标签 PostgreSQL , 10.0 , 触发器 , 中间表 , OLD , NEW 背景 在触发器中,如果要提取触发该事件的记录,使用OLD和NEW关键字. OLD.* , NEW.* 提取 对于for statement after触发器,触发的记录数可能是很多的,PostgreSQL 10.0增加了一个功能,中间表. 在触发器函数中,可以使用这个中间表,中间表的数据就是触发器涉及的数据,中级镖的功能支持after触发器(因为after后才有全部的记录呀). 语法 [ REFERENCI


  如何利用win7的内置功能调整分区呢,下面就是详细的操作技巧: Step1:进入系统管理界面.在开始菜单中找到计算机/在计算机上点击右键选择管理/进入存储中的磁盘管理. Step2:压缩已有分区.找到所需要调整的硬盘,可以看到图形化的分区示意图.在需要缩小的分区上点击右键/选择压缩卷/软件会自动计算可以压缩的大小,如果可压缩数值比较小最好先进行碎片整理/输入一个压缩数值,点击压缩.等操作完成后,将会在原有分区后部出现未分配空间. step3:创建新分区.在未分配空间上点击右键选择新建简单卷/

如果您想确保Windows 10在新用户登录时不安装内置应用程序,则必须删除所有配置的应用程序。

原文 如果您想确保Windows 10在新用户登录时不安装内置应用程序,则必须删除所有配置的应用程序. 本文的内容 已安装与配置的应用程序 删除配置的应用程序 安装与配置的应用程序^ 在介绍如何删除所有内置应用程序之前,我必须解释安装和配置的应用程序之间的区别.这种差异仅适用于Microsoft现在称为Windows应用程序的新的触摸优化应用程序. 您可能已经注意到,每当用户首次在Windows 10计算机上登录时,Windows将开始安装该特定用户的应用程序.这些应用程序是配置的应用程序.同样