Override VS. Overload
Simple Polymorphism (Override) :the object whose method is called is decided run-time.
multi- polymorphism (Overload):the object which method is called is decided upon the type of
the argument.
upcast is implicit, 向上转型是隐式的, downcast是显示的。
如果不幸,此时的形状是圆形的话,it will be crash at runtime, and give you java.lang.ClassCastException
public class ColoredHorses { public void display(Horse h) { System.out.println("Horse:" + h.message()); }//哪个message方法被调用,这个要看运行时的对象了 public void display(WhiteHorse wh) { System.out.println("WhiteHorse:" + wh.message()); } public void display(BlackHorse bh) { System.out.println("BlackHorse:" + bh.message()); } public static void main(String[] args) { ColoredHorses test = new ColoredHorses(); Horse h1 = new WhiteHorse(); //h1 被申明为Horse,但是指向WhiteHorse对象 Horse h2 = new BlackHorse(); WhiteHorse wh = new WhiteHorse(); BlackHorse bh = new BlackHorse(); test.display(h1);//哪个display方法被调用呢?因为type是Horse,所以是display(Horse h) test.display(h2);//如果没有display(Horse),将会报编译错误,除非你显示转型到一个子类如(BlackHorse)h2 test.display(wh);//即使没有display(WhiteHorse)也不会有编译错,因为可以隐式upcast到Horse,然后调用display(Horse) test.display(bh); } } class Horse { protected String message() { return "I am a horse"; }; }; class WhiteHorse extends Horse { protected String message() { return "I am a white horse"; }; }; class BlackHorse extends Horse { protected String message() { return "I am a black horse"; }; };
Horse:I am a white horse Horse:I am a black horse WhiteHorse:I am a white horse BlackHorse:I am a black horse
Visitor Pattern
1) 访问者角色(Visitor):为该对象结构中具体元素角色声明一个访问操作接口。该操作接口的名字和参数标识了发送访问请求给具体访问者的具体元素角色。这样访问者就可以通过该元素角色的特定接口直接访问它。
2) 具体访问者角色(Concrete Visitor):实现每个由访问者角色(Visitor)声明的操作。
3) 元素角色(Element):定义一个Accept操作,它以一个访问者为参数。
4) 具体元素角色(Concrete Element):实现由元素角色提供的Accept操作。
5) 对象结构角色(Object Structure):这是使用访问者模式必备的角色。它要具备以下特征:能枚举它的元素;可以提供一个高层的接口以允许该访问者访问它的元素;可以是一个复合(组合模式)或是一个集合,如一个列表或一个无序集合。
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class VistorPattern { public static void main(String[] args){ FlowersCompo flowers = new FlowersCompo(); flowers.addFlower(new Gladiolus()); flowers.addFlower(new Runuculus()); flowers.accept(new BeeVisitor()); } } // 访问者角色 interface Visitor { void visit(Gladiolus g); void visit(Runuculus r); void visit(Chrysanthemum c); } // The Flower hierarchy cannot be changed: // 元素角色 interface Flower { void accept(Visitor v); } // 以下三个具体元素角色 class Gladiolus implements Flower { public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } class Runuculus implements Flower { public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } class Chrysanthemum implements Flower { public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this); } } // 对象结构角色(Object Structure) class FlowersCompo{ List<Flower> flowers = new ArrayList<Flower>(); public void addFlower(Flower f){ flowers.add(f); } public void removeFlower(Flower f){ flowers.remove(f); } public void accept(Visitor v){ for (Flower f : flowers){ f.accept(v); } } } // Add the ability to produce a string: // 实现的具体访问者角色 class StrVisitor implements Visitor { String s; public String toString() { return s; } public void visit(Gladiolus g) { s = "Gladiolus"; } public void visit(Runuculus r) { s = "Runuculus"; } public void visit(Chrysanthemum c) { s = "Chrysanthemum"; } } // Add the ability to do "Bee" activities: // 另一个具体访问者角色 class BeeVisitor implements Visitor { public void visit(Gladiolus g) { System.out.println("Bee and Gladiolus"); } public void visit(Runuculus r) { System.out.println("Bee and Runuculus"); } public void visit(Chrysanthemum c) { System.out.println("Bee and Chrysanthemum"); } }
一种典型的使用Visitor的场景是,有一组数据,需要有不同的展现形式,这样当对象结构发生改变时,我们只需要改变Object Structure对象,增加或减少里面的Element。
不用accept(),用Visitor直接去visit() 元素对象,可以吗?
当然是可以的,而且这样还省去了Element对Visitor的依赖,进一步降低了耦合,我们把上面的程序改成不用accept 的试试
将Object Structure 修改如下:
class FlowersCompo{ List<Flower> flowers = new ArrayList<Flower>(); public void addFlower(Flower f){ flowers.add(f); } public void removeFlower(Flower f){ flowers.remove(f); } public void accept(Visitor v){ for (Flower f : flowers){ // f.accept(v); v.visit(f); // 用Visitor直接去访问Element, 编译器报错了 } } }
改完程序后,发现编译器报错了,提示没有定义visit(Flower)的方法,根据上面关于override, overload 的阐述,在overload 中which method is called 是在编译时静态绑定的,查看一下,我们虽然定义了 visit(Gladiolus g),visit(Runuculus r) ,visit(Chrysanthemum c)
interface Visitor { void visit(Flower f);//增加对Flower接口visit的功能 void visit(Gladiolus g); void visit(Runuculus r); void visit(Chrysanthemum c); }
class BeeVisitor implements Visitor { public void visit (Flower f){ // 通过instanceof来判断运行时对象,并调用被overload的具体方法 if (f instanceof Gladiolus){ visit((Gladiolus)f); } else if (f instanceof Runuculus){ visit((Runuculus)f); } else if (f instanceof Chrysanthemum){ visit((Chrysanthemum)f); } } public void visit(Gladiolus g) { System.out.println("Bee and Gladiolus"); } public void visit(Runuculus r) { System.out.println("Bee and Runuculus"); } public void visit(Chrysanthemum c) { System.out.println("Bee and Chrysanthemum"); } }
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class VistorPattern { public static void main(String[] args){ FlowersCompo flowers = new FlowersCompo(); flowers.addFlower(new Gladiolus()); flowers.addFlower(new Runuculus()); flowers.accept(new BeeVisitor()); } } // 访问者角色 interface Visitor { public void visit(Flower f); public void visit(Gladiolus g); public void visit(Runuculus r); public void visit(Chrysanthemum c); } abstract class AbstractVisitor implements Visitor { public void visit (Flower f){ if (f instanceof Gladiolus){ visit((Gladiolus)f); } else if (f instanceof Runuculus){ visit((Runuculus)f); } else if (f instanceof Chrysanthemum){ visit((Chrysanthemum)f); } } } // The Flower hierarchy cannot be changed: // 元素角色 interface Flower { } // 以下三个具体元素角色 class Gladiolus implements Flower {} class Runuculus implements Flower {} class Chrysanthemum implements Flower {} // 对象结构角色(Object Structure) class FlowersCompo{ List<Flower> flowers = new ArrayList<Flower>(); public void addFlower(Flower f){ flowers.add(f); } public void removeFlower(Flower f){ flowers.remove(f); } public void accept(Visitor v){ for (Flower f : flowers){ // f.accept(v); v.visit(f); } } } // Add the ability to produce a string: // 实现的具体访问者角色 class StrVisitor extends AbstractVisitor { String s; public String toString() { return s; } public void visit(Gladiolus g) { s = "Gladiolus"; } public void visit(Runuculus r) { s = "Runuculus"; } public void visit(Chrysanthemum c) { s = "Chrysanthemum"; } } // Add the ability to do "Bee" activities: // 另一个具体访问者角色 class BeeVisitor extends AbstractVisitor { public void visit(Gladiolus g) { System.out.println("Bee and Gladiolus"); } public void visit(Runuculus r) { System.out.println("Bee and Runuculus"); } public void visit(Chrysanthemum c) { System.out.println("Bee and Chrysanthemum"); } }
再回头看看,在正统的Visitor模式中为什么要用accept(),其实这是一个double-dispatch 模式,仔细观察下concreteElement的accept实现
class Chrysanthemum implements Flower { public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this);//用visit(this)解决了visit(Flower)问题 } }
既然你不能在runtime决定调用哪个visit()方法,那么我把你请进来,然后再让你调用我,其实就是用一个技巧解决了我们必须要用instanceof 做区分的问题。
其核心都是面向对象的一些基本设计原则:封装变化原则,Open-Close原则 等等