jNETx Open Convergent Feature Server


jNETx Open Convergent Feature Server

The jNETx Feature Server is a carrier grade, network convergent application server that allows communication service providers to cost effectively create, test and deploy integrated voice and data services. By abstracting the network through an extensive set of standards-based network APIs sanctioned by global standards bodies, the jNETx Feature Server provides for simplified service creation, secure service provisioning and seamless service portability across disparate network types. Its primary benefits are provided below.


Provide Cross Network IN Services. The jNETx Feature Server consists of an extensive set of 2G, 3G and Internet protocols which are mapped to and exposed in the Feature Server as a standard set of Open Service Access (OSA) APIs. The jNETx implementation of call control is significantly extended supporting both SS7 and SIP. Therefore, the Feature Server can be configured as a 2G IN, a 2G to 3G service node, a gatekeeper or a 3G feature switch. This means that services can be provided across different network types.


In addition to the telco protocols, jNETx provides most of the service capability resources required to make advanced IN services. These service capability resources reside in the JAIN SLEE 1.0-compliant jNETx JAIN SLEE and can be linked together to create operator or enterprise specific services. Example resources include call control, a generic messaging engine, a terminal capability server, a realtime charging engine, a location server and many other service capabilities.


Simplify Service Creation. The jNETx Telecom Service Studio (TSS) is a service development environment that provides a variety of workspaces, reusable software components, and tools that aid the application developer and network integrator with service design, development, testing, and integration. Different workspaces have been developed to cater to the needs of different user groups based on their level of technical expertise. This approach enables novice Java programmers as well as to experienced SS7/IN engineers to take part in the service delivery process using different sets of tools that meet their specific needs. Examples of some of the TSS workspaces and tools are:


Application Designer: a graphical, icon-based service creation environment that provides users with highly abstracted view of the Service Building Blocks (SBBs) (see jNETx SLEE) that are used to build a service. The Application Designer is a powerful and intuitive tool that can be used by non-experts as well as professional developers to assemble SBBs into simple or complex services.


Component Designer: a set of tools and editors for the development of new SBBs. A Java code editor is provided so that developers can provide their own code and create custom reusable SBBs which can be used by developers using the Application Designer.


Network Simulators: a graphical testing environment used by developers to test application functionality. The Network Simulators demonstrate user experience, simulating interaction with a subscriber using voice and/or data services.


Low-level Protocol State Machine: a scriptable protocol state machine that greatly simplifies the integration of new SS7 and IP protocol versions and variations to the OCFS.


Merge the Telco Network and the IT Domain. The jNETx Parlay Gateway extends the functionality of the jNETx OCFS into the IT domain, increasing operator revenues by opening the network and customer base to 3rd party service providers and enterprises. The Parlay Gateway manages 3rd party SLAs, security logic, policies and access rules.


Establish a Commerce Marketplace. The jNETx Feature Server includes a session controller to manage the electronic interaction between customers, 3rd parties and the operator. By exercising a set of configurable business processes and policies, the jNETx system facilitates the in-session processing of authorization and access rights, charging and credit rules, payments and notifications. The jNETx Feature Server provides AAA functionality and creates a real-time market place in which operators and 3rd parties can sell voice and data services to an informed and empowered customer.

OPERATOR DEPLOYMENTS.Deploying a network-independent VAS delivery platform Augmenting or replacing a traditional IN platform or providing a 2G to 3G service node Implementing a 3G feature switch or SIP proxy Providing a secure gateway for access by 3rd party applications and entities

时间: 2025-01-27 00:25:04

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