removing objects from an array

I am creating a program that uses an array of objects declared with

Element* elements =newElement[number];

where an element is a class that has/needs a its own destructor.

when I go to delete this would I use just use array delete, and have the program worry about calling the destructor:

delete[] elements;

or do I call the destructor for each item explicitly with keyword delete:

for(int ii =0; ii<ArraySize; ii++)

    delete elements[ii];

delete[] elements;

Note: I understand that I could probably use something like boost::ptr_vector, but I wanted similar to hashTable functionality (so the for loop would need additional information, but that is outside of the direct scope of this question) which is why I am using a traditional array. I would still like to know which behavior is needed to avoid memory leaks.



这个问题主要的问题其实是对于多位数组的动态内存分配的问题。比如我们不能直接使用int* p=new int[4][3];等的的。





elements = new Element *[rows];

for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)

    elements[i] = new Element[row_len];





for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)

    delete [] elements[i];

delete [] elements;


时间: 2024-12-08 23:53:46

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