Raise Method

object.Raise(number, source, description, helpfile, helpcontext)
The Raise method has these parts:

Part Description

object: Always the Err object.

number: A Long integer subtype that identifies the nature of the error. VBScript errors (both VBScript-defined and user-defined errors) are in the range 0–65535.

source: A string expression naming the object or application that originally generated the error. When setting this property for an Automation object, use the form project.class. If nothing is specified, the programmatic ID of the current VBScript project is used.

description: A string expression describing the error. If unspecified, the value in number is examined. If it can be mapped to a VBScript run-time error code, a string provided by VBScript is used as description. If there is no VBScript error corresponding to number, a generic error message is used.

helpfile: The fully qualified path to the Help file in which help on this error can be found. If unspecified, VBScript uses the fully qualified drive, path, and file name of the VBScript Help file.

helpcontext: The context ID identifying a topic within helpfile that provides help for the error. If omitted, the VBScript Help file context ID for the error corresponding to the number property is used, if it exists.


All the arguments are optional except number. If you use Raise, however, without specifying some arguments, and the property settings of the Err object contain values that have not been cleared, those values become the values for your error.

When setting the number property to your own error code in an Automation object, you add your error code number to the constant vbObjectError. For example, to generate the error number 1050, assign vbObjectError + 1050 to the number property.

时间: 2024-10-08 21:35:48

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