Binary Tree in csharp

Binary Tree in C# AuthorDate of SubmissionUser LevelPaul Abraham06/26/2001Intermediate  Source Code: BinaryTreePA.Zip 4 KB

The Binary  Tree(Unbalanced).
I am programming  C++ since 1997 and  it was for me unimaginable to write an binary tree with out using pointers. It was unusual  to program the Method Delete() because we  can  control the  memory release  of  a pointer ( delete  pNode). In C#  we must trust CLR  that  it will do the Job for us. I have read the article 揋arabage collection?from Jeffrey Richter. This  Article  helps very much to deal with references. I have implemented  the method Finalize()  to watch the garbage   collection. You
can  contact me via email :
have fun

时间: 2024-10-31 14:53:31

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