执行中的treeview 控件 为了更完美,列表4包含了VB.NET version, or C# version 两个版本的最终treevie 控件。为了更容易使用,我重新定义了结构和代码。同时增加了KeyDown 控制来支持一些默认的快捷键例如:Control-N (新建), F2 (编辑), 和DEL (删除). 这里好象不必附加任何事件,因此最终的api 包含一个方法和八个属性,他们在表1中列出来了,他们大多数都是简单的标志,或者默认的开关,我增加他们时为了让你可以选择使用来增强你的应用程序的可编辑特征 表1:xmltreeview 控件的属性和方法,你可以将它们用到你的应用程序中
Attribute | Type | Parameter | Description |
XmlDropTarget | Get | System.Xml.XmlNode | The XML node corresponding to the currently selected node in the TreeView |
ActiveXmlDocument | Get | System.Xml.XmlDocument | The XML document bound to the TreeView. This updates as the tree changes |
XPathFilter | Get; Set | string | The XPath filter used to identify the element or attribute whose value will be used to display the folder's name. A folder constitutes the tree view's smallest navigable unit |
XmlInsertionNode | Get; Set | System.Xml.XmlNode | The template for a new folder. The TreeView caches this, and clones it when a new folder is required. |
DragDropActive | Get; Set | bool | Flag denoting whether a drag/drop operation is currently in progress. |
EnableEditNode | Get; Set | bool | Flag denoting whether label editing is supported (default is yes) |
EnableDeleteNode | Get; Set | bool | Flag denoting whether folder deletion is supported (default is yes) |
EnableInsertNode | Get; Set | bool | Flag denoting whether folder insertion is supported (default is yes) |
Method: | Returns | Parameter | Description |
Load | void | System.Xml.XmlDocument | Loads the specified XML document and uses it to populate the TreeView. Set XPathFilter prior to calling Load() to define an appropriate view on the underlying data. |
图二 显示了一个目录管理员的窗体, 图三显示了一个详细的最终目录
, 控件
, tree view
, set
, get
, folder
, treeview和xml
wpf treeview xml、wpf treeview 绑定xml、treeview xml、treeview绑定xml、c treeview xml,以便于您获取更多的相关知识。