ceph recommendation - os

内核版本 : 

v3.16.3 or later (rbd deadlock regression in v3.16.[0-2])



注意, 如果要使用firefly 的 crush tunables功能, 建议使用v3.16.3内核.

firefly (CRUSH_TUNABLES3) tunables are supported starting with v3.15. See CRUSH Tunables for more details.

如果要使用 btrfs 文件系统 , 建议使用v3.16.3内核.


firefly以后的版本(例如giant+), 建议使用fdatasync flush方法提升性能. 

  • fdatasync(2): With Firefly v0.80 and beyond, use fdatasync(2) instead of fsync(2) to improve performance.
  • syncfs(2): For non-btrfs filesystems such as XFS and ext4 where more than one ceph-osd daemon is used on a single server, Ceph performs significantly better with the syncfs(2) system call (added in kernel 2.6.39 and glibc 2.14). 
  • New versions of Ceph (v0.55 and later) do not depend on glibc support. 


以Firefly版本为例, 建议使用ubuntu 14.04或CentOS 7, RHEL 7.

FIREFLY (0.80)

Distro Release Code Name Kernel Notes Testing
Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin linux-3.2.0 1, 2 B, I, C
Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr linux-3.13.0   B, I, C
Debian 6.0 Squeeze linux-2.6.32 1, 2, 3 B
Debian 7.0 Wheezy linux-3.2.0 1, 2 B
CentOS 6 N/A linux-2.6.32 1, 2 B, I
RHEL 6   linux-2.6.32 1, 2 B, I, C
RHEL 7   linux-3.10.0   B, I, C
Fedora 19.0 Schr?dinger’s Cat linux-3.10.0   B
Fedora 20.0 Heisenbug linux-3.14.0   B


  • 1: The default kernel has an older version of btrfs that we do not recommend for ceph-osd storage nodes. Upgrade to a recommended kernel or use XFS or ext4.
  • 2: The default kernel has an old Ceph client that we do not recommend for kernel client (kernel RBD or the Ceph file system). Upgrade to a recommended kernel.
  • 3: The default kernel or installed version of glibc does not support the syncfs(2) system call. Putting multiple ceph-osd daemons using XFS orext4 on the same host will not perform as well as they could.



  • B: We continuously build all branches on this platform and exercise basic unit tests. We build release packages for this platform.
  • I: We do basic installation and functionality tests of releases on this platform.
  • C: We run a comprehensive functional, regression, and stress test suite on this platform on a continuous basis. This includes development branches, pre-release, and released code.


1. http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/os-recommendations/

时间: 2024-12-11 03:10:09

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