[Oracle] 几本重要的电子图书下载


[Oracle] 几本重要的电子图书下载

供Oracle 技术爱好者参考。

Title:Scaling Oracle8i: Building Highly Scalable OLTP System Architectures
Author: James Morle
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201325748

Product Details
pages: 513 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
ISBN: 0201325748
Average Customer Review: Based on 11 review(s).
Format: PDF
As open systems continue to replace traditional mainframe systems, system scalability is becoming an increasingly important topic. Although far more flexible than mainframe systems, open systems applications tend to be less reliable and more difficult to scale. There is no cookbook approach to solving this challenge: A thorough understanding of the technologies involved is essential for designing scalable solutions that meet long-term business needs. Scaling Oracle8i offers valuable insights and techniques for designing reliable and scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) applications using Oracle. This book focuses on providing the in-depth information about Oracle and the underlying hardware required to build systems that scale effectively. You will find coverage of relevant hardware and I/O operation; benchmark and database monitoring systems; Oracle internals, operation, and implementation; and UNIX operating system issues that impact Oracle performance and scalability. Essential topics covered include: *Critical scalability concepts, including latches and locks, lists, hashing, and caching *A briefing on various hardware architectures, including symmetric multiprocessor

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Oracle Wait Interface: A Practical Guide to Performance Diagnostics & Tuning (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
Author: Richmond Shee / Kirtikumar Deshpande / K. Gopalakrishnan
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/007222729x

Product Details
pages: 400 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
ISBN: 007222729x
Average Customer Review: Based on 2 review(s).
Troubleshoot, tune, and optimize your Oracle database efficiently and successfully every time. This book explains how to take full advantage of the revolutionary Oracle Wait Interface to quickly pinpoint--and solve--core problems and bottlenecks, and increase productivity exponentially.

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Oracle8i Internal Services for Waits, Latches, Locks, and Memory
Author: Steve Adams
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/156592598X

Product Details
pages: 130 pages
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 156592598X
Average Customer Review: Based on 18 review(s).
Advanced performance tuning with Oracle involves unraveling the mysteries of the SQL database's inner workings. Oracle8i Internal Services for Waits, Latches, Locks, and Memory peels back several layers of the Oracle onion to reveal how things really work. While the author claims his quest to get to the bottom of Oracle still continues, this book is a snapshot of his current knowledge of the performance-critical internals.

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Oracle Regular Expressions Pocket Reference
Author: Jonathan Gennick / Peter Linsley
URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0596006012

Product Details
pages: 64 pages
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006012
Average Customer Review: Based on 1 review(s).
Support for regular expressions in SQL and PL/SQL is one of the most exciting features of Oracle Database 10G. Oracle has long supported the ANSI-standard LIKE predicate for rudimentary pattern matching, but regular expressions take pattern matching to a new level. They provide a powerful way to select data that matches a pattern, as well as to manipulate, rearrange, and change that data. This concise pocket guide is part tutorial and part quick-reference. It's suitable for those who have never used regular expressions before, as well as those who have experience with Perl and other languages supporting regular expressions. The book describes Oracle Database 10G's support for regular expressions, including globalization support and differences between Perl's syntax and the POSIX syntax supported by Oracle 10G. It also provides a comprehensive reference, including examples, to all supported regular expression operators, functions, and error messages. O'Reilly's Pocket References have become a favorite among developers and database administrators everywhere. By providing a wealth of important details in a concise, well-organized format, these handy books deliver just what you need to complete the task at hand. Whether you're using regular expressions for the first time or applying your skills from other languages to the latest version of Oracle, the Oracle Regular Expressions Pocket Reference is the book to have close by.

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时间: 2024-10-28 07:59:33

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