IDesign C#编码规范(之九)


4.5远程操作 Remoting
Prefer administrator configuration to programmatic configation.
Always implement IDisposable on single call objects.
Always prefer TCP channel and binary format when using remoting.
Unless a firewall is present.
Always provide a null lease for a singleton object.
Public class MySingleton : MarshalByRefObject
public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
return null;
Always provide a sponsor for client activated object. The sponsor should return the initial lease time.
a) See Chapter 10 of Programming .NET Components.
Always unregister the sponsor on client application shutdown.
Always put remote objects in class libraries.
Avoid using SoapSuds.
Avoid hosting in IIS.
Avoid using uni-directional channels.
Always load a remoting configuration file in Main() even if the file is empty, and the application does not use remoting.
Allow the option of remoting some types later on, post deployment, and changing the application topology.
Static void Main()
/*Rest of Main()*/
12.避免对远程对象激活时使用Activator.GetObject() and Activator.CreateInstance()。而是使用new。
Avoid using Activator.GetObject() and Activator.CreateInstance() for remote objects activation. Use new instead.
Always register port() on the client side, to allow callbacks.
Always elevate type filtering to full on both client and host to allow callbacks.
Host Config file:
<channel ref = “tcp” port = “8005”>
<formatter ref = “soap” typeFilterLevel = “Full”/>
<formatter ref = “binary” typeFilterLevel = “Full”/>
<channel ref = “http” port = “8006”>
<formatter ref = “soap” typeFilterLevel = “Full”/>
<formatter ref = “binary” typeFilterLevel = “Full/”>
Client Config file:
<channel ref = “tcp” port = “0”>
<formatter ref = “soap” typeFilterLevel = “Full”/>
<formatter ref = “binary” typeFilterLevel = “Full”/>

时间: 2024-09-20 01:05:50

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